55320 Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Our 55320 Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript course is designed to introduce participants to the fundamental building blocks of web development. Over the course of the training, participants will learn how to create and style web pages using HTML and CSS, as well as how to add interactivity and dynamic content using JavaScript. With access to a wealth of resources, including interactive coding exercises and lectures to test their knowledge, participants will have the opportunity to work on hands-on projects that will give them practical experience applying the concepts they learn in class. Furthermore, the skills gained in this course are in high demand in today's digital economy, and this will give participants a competitive edge in the exciting field of web development.

Accredited By

  • 24 Hours Training
  • Online / Classroom / Onsite
  • 28 Jul, 2024 / 28 Jul, 2024
  • Additional Program Dates
  • 100K+ Happy Students

(600+ Google Reviews)

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What is our 55320 Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript training?

Our 55320 Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript course offers a comprehensive introduction to the core concepts of web development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Through a combination of lectures, hands-on coding exercises, and projects, participants will be taught to create professional-looking websites and web applications from scratch. In addition to learning the technical skills necessary to succeed in web development, participants will also gain experience working collaboratively with other students and practising effective project management techniques. By the end of this course, participants will have a strong foundation in web development and be able to apply their skills to a variety of professional settings.

Why is this 55320 Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript course essential?

The Programming in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript course is essential because these skills are fundamental for anyone looking to pursue a career in web development or digital marketing. This training course can provide individuals with a comprehensive understanding of the core concepts of web development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and equip them with the practical skills necessary to build professional-grade websites and web applications. It will also help them stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in web development, ensuring they are equipped to handle the evolving demands of the industry.

Why do companies hire professionals with programming skills in HTML, CSS and JavaScript?

With more and more businesses operating in the digital space, having a well-designed and functional website is crucial for attracting and retaining customers. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the foundational technologies used to create web pages and web applications, allowing companies to create dynamic, interactive, and user-friendly websites. Hiring professionals with these skills can help businesses improve their website performance, increase customer engagement, and ultimately, drive revenue growth. Additionally, having employees with these skills can save company’s time and money by reducing the need to outsource web development projects.

Industry Trends

With businesses of all sizes looking to establish a strong online presence, the need for skilled web developers is increasing rapidly. Hence, individuals with training and experience in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are well-positioned to succeed in Dubai's competitive job market.

Market trends

A report by the Dubai Technology Entrepreneur Campus (Dtec), the largest technology innovation hub in the Middle East, stated that web and mobile development skills are among the most in-demand skills for startups and tech companies in Dubai. This indicates that professionals with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript programming skills are in high demand in Dubai's growing digital economy, making it a promising field for individuals looking to build a career in web development or digital marketing.

Salary Trends

According to the 2021 Salary Guide by Robert Half, web developers in Dubai can earn an average salary of AED 180,000 to AED 360,000 per year, depending on their level of experience and skills. Senior web developers with extensive experience and a strong portfolio can command higher salaries, with some earning upwards of AED 500,000 per year.

Demand & Opportunities

Dubai's thriving digital economy has resulted in a high demand for professionals with expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript programming. With businesses of all sizes aiming to establish a prominent online presence, the demand for proficient web developers is growing at a rapid pace, offering abundant job prospects to skilled professionals in this field.

Here are some job roles that are open for professionals with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript programming skills in Dubai:

  1. Web Developers – they are responsible for designing, developing and maintaining websites and web applications
  2. Front-End Developers – they are responsible for creating the visual elements of a website or web application
  3. Full-Stack Developers – they are responsible for developing both the front-end and back-end of a website or web application
  4. UX/UI Designers – they are responsible for designing the user interface and user experience of a website or web application
  5. Digital Marketing Specialists – they are responsible for creating and implementing digital marketing campaigns that utilize web development technologies 

Course Outcome

Successful completion of this 55320 Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript course will help you to:

  • Comprehend the fundamental concepts and techniques of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript programming, including syntax, structure, and design principles.
  • Develop, design and deploy interactive, responsive websites and web applications
  • Understand how to implement JavaScript frameworks and libraries 
  • Learn debugging and troubleshooting techniques to diagnose and resolve issues with the website and web application code
  • Learn the best practices for optimizing the website and web application performance

Course Module

  • Basic computer and typing skills
  • Exercise: A Simple HTML Document
  • Getting Started with a Simple HTML Document
  • HTML Elements, Attributes, and Comments
  • The HTML Skeleton
  • Viewing the Page Source
  • Special Characters
  • HTML Elements and Special Characters
  • History of HTML
  • The lang Attribute
  • Links Introduction
  • Text Links
  • Absolute vs. Relative Paths
  • Targeting New Tabs
  • Email Links
  • Exercise: Adding Links
  • Lorem Ipsum
  • The title Attribute
  • Linking to a Specific Location on the Page
  • Targeting a Specific Location on the Page
  • Unordered Lists
  • Ordered Lists
  • Definition Lists
  • Exercise: Creating Lists
  • font-family
  • @font-face
  • font-size
  • font-style
  • font-variant
  • font-weight
  • line-height
  • font shorthand
  • Exercise: Styling Fonts
  • letter-spacing
  • text-align
  • text-decoration
  • text-indent
  • text-shadow
  • text-transform
  • white-space
  • word-break
  • word-spacing
  • Exercise: Text Properties
  • JavaScript Variables
  • A Loosely Typed Language
  • Google Chrome DevTools
  • Storing User-Entered Data
  • Exercise: Using Variables
  • Constants
  • Arrays
  • Exercise: Working with Arrays
  • Associative Arrays
  • Playing with Array Methods
  • JavaScript Operators
  • The Modulus Operator
  • Playing with Operators
  • The Default Operator
  • Exercise: Working with Operators
  • Strings
  • Math
  • Date
  • Helper Functions
  • Exercise: Returning the Day of the Week as a String
  • On-event Handlers
  • Exercise: Using On-event Handlers
  • The addEventListener() Method
  • Anonymous Functions
  • Capturing Key Events
  • Exercise: Adding Event Listeners
  • Benefits of Event Listeners
  • Timers
  • Typing Test
  • How HTML Forms Work
  • The form Element
  • Form Elements
  • Buttons
  • Exercise: Creating a Registration Form
  • Checkboxes
  • Radio Buttons
  • Exercise: Adding Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
  • Fieldsets
  • Select Menus
  • Textareas
  • Exercise: Adding a Select Menu and a Textarea
  • HTML Forms and CSS
  • Getting Started
  • Regular Expression Syntax
  • Backreferences
  • Form Validation with Regular Expressions
  • Cleaning Up Form Entries
  • Exercise: Cleaning Up Form Entries
  • A Slightly More Complex Example
  • HTML is Part of a Team
  • Client-side Programming
  • Server-side Programming
  • Web Development Technologies
  • Paragraphs
  • Heading Levels
  • Breaks and Horizontal Rules
  • Exercise: Paragraphs, Headings, and Text
  • The div Tag
  • Creating an HTML Page
  • Quoted Text
  • Preformatted Text
  • Inline Semantic Elements
  • Exercise: Adding Inline Elements
  • Inserting Images
  • Image Links
  • Adding Images to the Document
  • Exercise: Adding Images to the Page
  • Providing Alternative Images
  • Benefits of Cascading Style Sheets
  • CSS Rules
  • Selectors
  • Combinators
  • Precedence of Selectors
  • How Browsers Style Pages
  • CSS Resets
  • CSS Normalizers
  • External Stylesheets, Embedded Stylesheets, and Inline Styles
  • Exercise: Creating an External Stylesheet
  • Exercise: Creating an Embedded Stylesheet
  • Exercise: Adding Inline Styles
  • div and span
  • Exercise: Styling div and span
  • Media Types
  • Units of Measurement
  • Inheritance
  • About Color and Opacity
  • Color and Opacity Values
  • Color
  • Opacity
  • Exercise: Adding Color and Opacity to Text
  • JavaScript vs. EcmaScript
  • The HTML DOM
  • JavaScript Syntax
  • Accessing Elements
  • Where Is JavaScript Code Written?
  • JavaScript Objects, Methods, and Properties
  • Exercise: Alerts, Writing, and Changing Background Color
  • Global Objects and Functions
  • Exercise: Working with Global Functions
  • User-defined Functions
  • Exercise: Writing a JavaScript Function
  • Returning Values from Functions
  • Conditionals
  • Short-circuiting
  • Switch / Case
  • Ternary Operator
  • Truthy and Falsy
  • Exercise: Conditional Processing
  • Loops
  • while and do…while Loops
  • for Loops
  • break and continue
  • Exercise: Working with Loops
  • Array: forEach()
  • CSS Selectors
  • The inner HTML Property
  • Nodes, NodeLists, and HTMLCollections
  • Accessing Element Nodes
  • Exercise: Accessing Elements
  • Dot Notation and Square Bracket Notation
  • Accessing Elements Hierarchically
  • Exercise: Working with Hierarchical Elements
  • Accessing Attributes
  • Creating New Nodes
  • Focusing on a Field
  • Shopping List Application
  • Exercise: Logging
  • Exercise: Adding event listeners
  • Exercise: Adding Items to the List
  • Exercise: Dynamically Adding Remove Buttons to the List Items
  • Exercise: Removing List Items
  • Exercise: Preventing Duplicates and Zero-length Product Names
  • Manipulating Tables
  • Server-side Form Validation
  • HTML Form Validation
  • Accessing Form Data
  • Form Validation with JavaScript
  • Exercise: Checking the Validity of the Email and URL Fields
  • Checking Validity on Input and Submit Events
  • Adding Error Messages
  • Validating Textareas
  • Validating Checkboxes
  • Validating Radio Buttons
  • Validating Select Menus
  • Exercise: Validating the Ice Cream Order Form
  • Giving the User a Chance

Program Dates

28 Jul
  • 02:00 PM
  • Sun
  • Classroom
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Expert Instructors & Teaching Methods



We, at Learners Point, take immense pride in our teaching methods and instructors. Our instructors are some of the best experts in their fields and employ a practical approach to learning. Many of them are globally recognised and have a diverse set of experience in their field of expertise. You are always sure to have the best in the industry as your teachers who are ready to guide you at every step and make the experience informative yet enjoyable.  Apart from the focus on learning your chosen course, our instructors also encourage students to develop communication skills and interpersonal skills necessary to excel in the practical world.

Our cutting edge teaching methods make every program an immersive and productive experience for the learners. Our learning methods are research-driven and are continuously updated to stay relevant to present times as well as the future. You will enjoy practical applications of everything learned through theory and regular mock examinations to help monitor your progress. Our courses are led by an instructor in a classroom setup and we do offer online high-quality sessions as well for individuals. We also monitor the training sessions with a progress tracker to maintain high standards of instruction & ethics.

Our Trainers

Why Count on Learners Point?

At Learners Point Academy, we are the foremost provider of the 55320 Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript course in Dubai, offering professionals the necessary skills for a successful career. 

Our 55320 Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript course offers several unique selling points:

  • We evaluate practical requirements by analyzing real-world scenarios that organizations face, ensuring our 55320 Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript course is relevant and up-to-date
  • Our focus on practical case studies offers theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience to prepare you for a demanding role
  • Our bespoke course also offers assignments related to the actual work environment, providing you with additional hands-on experience
  • In addition to group sessions, we provide a guided learning experience to ensure the quality of our Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript training programs
  • We also offer discrete career guidance, enabling you to be successfully placed as a professional

Learners Experience

"The 55320 Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript course exceeded my expectations. The instructors were knowledgeable and engaging, and the course content was relevant and up-to-date. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in web development."

Yasir Numan

Front-End Developer

"I came into this course with no programming experience, but the instructors made the material easy to understand. I now have a new set of skills that I can apply to my future career and feel confident in my ability to create engaging and dynamic web pages."

Shoaib Basir

Web Designer

"The 55320 Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript course gave me the tools I needed to build a website from scratch. The course was challenging, but the instructors were always available to help and guide me through the learning process."

Romario Williams

User Experience (UX) Designer

"I was initially intimidated by the thought of learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but the course was structured in a way that made it easy to understand. The hands-on projects helped me practice and solidify my understanding of the concepts."

Griffany Johnson

Web Content Manager

"Taking the 55320 Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript course was one of the best decisions I've made. I now have a solid foundation in web development and feel confident in my ability to create stunning web pages and applications."

Janice Vilas

Digital Marketing Specialist

Our Graduates

Our graduates are from big companies, small, companies, they are founders, career changers and life long learners. Join us and meet your tribe!

FAQs on 55320 Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

The demand for web developers with these skills is high in Dubai due to the city's thriving digital economy and businesses of all sizes looking to establish a strong online presence.
This course will give you a comprehensive understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript programming languages and provide practical experience in designing and developing web applications, helping you to build a strong foundation in the field.
In addition to theoretical knowledge, this course offers practical case studies and assignments that simulate real-world scenarios and help you gain hands-on experience in web development.
Dubai has a thriving digital economy, and professionals with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript programming skills are in high demand. Completing the course can open up a range of job opportunities in the field of digital technology.
At Learners Point Academy, we offer a 100% refund if a participant wishes to withdraw from the training for any reason, provided that we are notified in writing within 2 days of registration. The refund will be processed within 4 weeks from the date of withdrawal.
This course provides hands-on training in essential programming languages and tools for web development, equipping you with the necessary skills for a successful career in the field.
Yes, the course offers hands-on experience through practical assignments and case studies.
Completing the course can prepare you for roles such as web developer, front-end developer, and user interface designer, among others.
At Learners Point Academy, we offer interactive, immersive, and intensive hands-on training programs. Participants can choose from three modes of delivery, including instructor-led classroom-based group coaching, one-on-one training sessions, and high-quality live and interactive online sessions at their convenience.
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