5 Must-Have Skills for Ethical Hackers: A Beginner's Checklist

5 Must-Have Skills for Ethical Hackers: A Beginner's Checklist


The relevance of cybersecurity cannot be emphasised in the digitally linked world we live in today. Cybersecurity specialists with the requisite abilities to defend against these risks are in greater demand due to the complexity and frequency of cyber threats that are on the rise. In this sense, receiving cybersecurity training is a crucial first step in learning the necessary information and abilities to become a proficient ethical hacker. With a wide variety of courses and certifications that provide individuals with the skills necessary to recognise and resolve vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks, Dubai has become a centre for cybersecurity training. Aspiring cybersecurity professionals can access the newest cybersecurity technologies, techniques, and approaches through cyber security courses, which can aid in their professional growth and development.

This article discusses the top five skills that ethical hackers absolutely must possess and offers a beginner's checklist to get you started.

1. Knowledge of Programming Languages

To spot flaws and create workable fixes, ethical hackers require a solid grasp of programming languages. As it enables ethical hackers to appreciate the inner workings of computer systems and networks, programming language knowledge in Python, Ruby, Perl, and C++ is crucial. Python's versatility and wealth of libraries and frameworks make it a favourite among ethical hackers. Python is a powerful language that ethical hackers utilise for a variety of tasks, such as penetration testing and developing exploits for vulnerabilities discovered. 

Programming knowledge enables ethical hackers to automate tedious operations and develop unique tools that are suited to their requirements. Additionally, it aids in their comprehension of how code is used by cybercriminals to exploit flaws, which is essential for creating strong defences. A strong command of programming languages is thus a requirement for any aspirant ethical hacker.

2. Understanding of Operating Systems

All computer systems are built on top of operating systems (OS), which give users a platform on which to run programmes and effectively manage resources. A thorough knowledge of various operating systems' internal workings, including their file systems, security settings, and underlying architecture, is a requirement for ethical hackers. The ability to discover and take advantage of OS flaws that could be used to gain unauthorised access or run harmful programmes gives ethical hackers this knowledge. 

For ethical hackers to navigate and edit files within the OS, they must have a solid understanding of file systems. To identify and stop attacks, ethical hackers must also have a thorough awareness of the security components of well-known operating systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS. In the world of cybersecurity, this ability is crucial since it enables ethical hackers to create efficient defences against future security breaches. To thrive in their positions and defend computer systems and networks from online threats, ethical hackers must have a firm grasp of OS concepts and functionality.

3. Familiarity with Networking Protocols

The fundamental components of contemporary communication systems are networking protocols. They make it easier for data to be transferred among devices on a network. To find potential weaknesses in network infrastructure, ethical hackers need to have a thorough understanding of networking protocols. The Internet and other communication systems are built on networking protocols like TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, and others; understanding how these protocols work is crucial for successful network security.

Ethical hackers can identify and respond to network-based threats including denial-of-service attacks, port scanning, and packet sniffing by having a firm understanding of these protocols. Furthermore, understanding networking protocols is now even more important for ethical hackers to spot and reduce security vulnerabilities due to the growing use of cloud-based services and the Internet of Things. Therefore, every ethical hacker must possess a solid understanding of networking protocols.

4. Ability to Conduct Penetration Testing

Penetration testing is a vital part of ethical hacking and is extremely important in spotting security flaws in networks and computer systems. Simulating an attack on the system or network is a step in the process used to find security holes and make suggestions for strengthening defences. To carry out a full vulnerability assessment, ethical hackers must be skilled at using programmes like Nmap, Metasploit, and Burp Suite. Penetration testing is a methodical process that demands careful planning and execution. Reconnaissance, enumeration, exploitation, and post-exploitation steps are used to find the weaknesses and potential security holes.

A good penetration test helps organisations understand their security posture completely and enables them to spot possible security problems before bad actors may take advantage of them. Ethical hackers can assist organisations to prevent cyberattacks and data breaches by conducting routine penetration testing to proactively detect and address vulnerabilities in their systems and networks. Additionally, ethical hackers might offer suggestions for enhancing security defences, such as putting in place fresh security measures or updating current ones. Overall, competence in penetration testing is necessary for ethical hackers to recognise and reduce security risks and safeguard sensitive data from online dangers.

5. Strong Communication Skills

Ethical hackers must have the highest clarity and conciseness when presenting their findings and suggestions to customers and other stakeholders. In order to accomplish this, it is crucial to create thorough reports because they give clients a thorough awareness of the vulnerabilities inherent in their systems and networks. Additionally, ethical hackers need to be excellent communicators so they can explain complicated technical ideas to non-technical stakeholders like managers and executives. 

To be successful in this position, ethical hackers need strong communication abilities, including active listening, empathy, and the capacity to adapt messages to different audiences. Furthermore, it is essential to be able to collaborate with other cybersecurity experts because ethical hackers frequently work in teams to identify vulnerabilities and find solutions. Because of this, ethical hackers who want to succeed and help safeguard sensitive data must have great communication skills.


To sum up, developing a career as an ethical hacker necessitates mastering several crucial talents. These include mastery of programming languages, a thorough acquaintance with operating systems, an understanding of networking protocols, the capacity to perform penetration testing, and effective communication abilities. Mastering these skills can lead to a rewarding career in protecting computer systems and networks because they are highly appreciated in cybersecurity. Ethical hackers are essential in reducing the danger of data breaches and safeguarding sensitive information as cybercrime rises. Therefore, learning these abilities benefits the individual and advances society as a whole. Knowing these will help you if you're interested in ethical hacking and cybersecurity. By acquiring these skills, one not only benefits personally but also advances society as a whole. Learning these abilities can be a significant step towards a fruitful and satisfying career if you are passionate about cybersecurity and have a tendency towards ethical hacking.

Message From the Author

If you’re looking to enrol in cyber security courses in Dubai, get in touch with Learners Point Academy. To learn more, visit the website: https://learnerspoint.org/, give a call at +971 (04) 403 8000, or simply drop a message on WhatsApp.

Learners Point Academy is a KHDA and ISO 9001:2015 accredited training institute in Dubai.

  • Big Data on AWS
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