7 Dos and Don'ts of Written Communication in Project Management

7 Dos and Don'ts of Written Communication in Project Management


Effective communication is a critical aspect of project management, and writing plays a significant role in it. From writing planning documents to sending updates to stakeholders and team members, project managers spend a significant part of their day writing. However, writing effectively is often overlooked as a project management skill, despite it being a superpower.

Good writing has the power to lead, inspire, and make teams more effective. It is not just about sharing information but also about crafting messages that resonate with your audience. As a project manager, your communication skills can make or break your project’s success.

With that in mind, this article covers the 7 dos and don’ts of written communication in project management. These tips can help you improve your writing skills and build better relationships with your team members, stakeholders, and clients. By prioritizing effective communication and following these guidelines, you can set your project up for success.

1. DO be clear and concise in your writing: Clarity and conciseness are essential when it comes to written communication in project management. Use clear and straightforward language to avoid any ambiguity or confusion. Also, make sure your message is concise and to the point. Avoid using long, convoluted sentences that can be difficult to understand. Instead, break up your message into shorter, more digestible chunks that are easier to read and understand. Be mindful of the reader's time and attention span.

2. DON'T use vague language: Ambiguous language can lead to misinterpretation and confusion. Avoid vague words and phrases that can be open to interpretation. Instead, use precise language to convey your message accurately. Be specific and avoid using words that have multiple meanings or connotations. Clarity is key, so use language that is precise, unambiguous, and to the point.

3. DO use the right tone: The tone you use in your written communication can set the mood and affect the reader's response. Adapt your tone to the context and audience of your message. Use a tone that is professional, respectful, and appropriate for the situation. Avoid language that is too casual or too formal, depending on the circumstances. Be aware of the reader's preferences and cultural differences that may affect their interpretation of your message.

4. DON'T use negative language: Negative language, such as criticism or blame, can create tension and conflict in a team. Instead, use positive language to focus on solutions rather than problems. Use constructive feedback to encourage improvement, rather than negative feedback that can lead to defensiveness. Choose words that are empowering and motivating, rather than words that are discouraging or demotivating.

5. DO proofread your writing: Proofreading is essential to ensure that your message is error-free and conveys your intended meaning. Use tools like spell-check and grammar-check to catch any errors or mistakes. Also, review your writing for clarity, coherence, and organization. Ask a colleague to review your writing and provide feedback. This can help you catch any errors or areas of confusion that you may have missed.

6. DON'T overlook cultural differences: Cultural differences can impact the interpretation of your message. Be aware of the cultural nuances and differences that exist among your team members, stakeholders, and clients. Adapt your language and tone to respect those differences. Avoid language that can be considered offensive or insensitive. Be sensitive to the reader's cultural background and preferences.

7. DO follow up on your communication: Following up is critical to ensure that your message has been received and understood. Use tools like email tracking to determine if your message has been opened or read. Schedule follow-up meetings or calls to discuss your message and address any questions or concerns. This can help you avoid any misunderstandings and ensure that your message has been received and understood by the reader.

Effective written communication is essential to project management success. From planning documents to stakeholder updates, clear and concise writing is a critical skill for project managers. The dos and don'ts outlined above provide a framework for improving your written communication and enhancing the success of your project. By being clear and concise, using the right tone, proofreading your writing, and being mindful of cultural differences, you can ensure that your message is received and understood by your team, stakeholders, and clients. With these tips in mind, project managers can elevate their written communication skills and make their projects more successful.

Message From the Author

If you’re looking to enrol in Project Management courses in Dubai, get in touch with Learners Point Academy. To learn more, visit the website: https://learnerspoint.org/, give a call at +971 (04) 403 8000, or simply drop a message on WhatsApp.

Learners Point Academy is a KHDA and ISO 9001:2015 accredited training institute in Dubai.

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