7 Python Coding Challenges for Beginners

7 Python Coding Challenges for Beginners


Python's popularity as a programming language has risen dramatically in recent years, owing to its ease of use, variety, and simplicity. However, grasping Python's technical complexities can be difficult, and beginners may struggle to obtain a firm grasp of the language. To overcome this, solving coding challenges on a regular basis might be an excellent way to develop one's Python knowledge and skills. These challenges provide an opportunity to obtain hands-on experience, deepen your understanding of Python programming ideas, and learn how to apply them in real-world circumstances.

This article focuses on seven Python code challenges designed exclusively for novices to help them refine their coding skills and achieve their programming objectives. These tasks are carefully selected to test and develop coding abilities, giving a great platform for learning and growth. This article emphasises the relevance of coding challenges in improving Python skills and provides seven beginner-friendly challenges to help you get started with Python programming.

1. Converting Radians into Degrees 

Write a Python function that accepts a single numeric parameter representing an angle in radians. The function should be able to convert the radians into degrees and return the value in degrees.. 

2. Sort a List

Write a Python function that takes two parameters: a list of numbers and a second parameter that can have one of three values: "asc", "desc", or "none".

If the second parameter is "asc", the function should return the list of numbers in ascending order. If it is "desc", the function should return the list of numbers in descending order. If the second parameter is "none", the function should return the unaltered list.

3. Convert Decimal Numbers into Binary

Write a Python function that takes in a decimal number and returns its equivalent binary representation. Note that the decimal number will always be less than 1,024, so the resulting binary number will be ten digits long.

4. Count Vowels in a String

In Python, you can create a function that counts the number of vowels in a given word. Vowels are the letters A, E, I, O, and U, both uppercase and lowercase. The function takes a single word as its parameter and returns the number of vowels present in the word.

To achieve this, you can use a for loop to iterate through each character in the word. Then, you can check if the character is a vowel using a conditional statement. If the character is a vowel, you increment a counter variable. Finally, you return the counter variable as the result.

5. Create a Calculator Function

Create a Python function that accepts three parameters. The first parameter should be an integer,  the second parameter should be a mathematical operator:+, -, /, or, and the third parameter should also be an integer. 

The function should be able to undergo the calculation and return the results. 

6. The Numbers 

Create a Python function named "get_integers" that accepts a list of mixed non-negative integers and strings. The function should filter and return only the integers in the same order as they appear in the original list.

7. Repeat Characters 

Create a function that accepts strings. The function thus created should be able to return a string where each character is doubled in the original string. 

For instance, if the parameter of the function is “now”, then it should return “nnooww”. 


Mastering Python programming requires consistent practice, and solving coding challenges is a great way to improve one's skills. The seven Python code challenges discussed in this blog are ideal for beginners who are just starting their journey in Python programming. These challenges provide a solid foundation to build upon and help individuals gain a deeper understanding of Python's syntax and functionality. By continuously practicing these challenges, beginners can gradually improve their skills and become proficient in Python programming. So, start practicing these challenges today and take the first step towards becoming a successful Python programmer.



Message from the Author

If you’re looking to enroll in the Python developer training course in Dubai, get in touch with Learners Point Academy. To learn more, visit the website: https://learnerspoint.org/, give a call at +971 (04) 403 8000, or simply drop a message on WhatsApp

Learners Point Academy is a KHDA and ISO 9001:2015 accredited training institute in Dubai.

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