Decoding UAE Corporate Tax: Key Regulations and Implications

Decoding UAE Corporate Tax: Key Regulations and Implications


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has long been recognized as a business-friendly destination with its favourable tax environment, including the absence of a federal corporate tax. The UAE introduced a significant change in its tax landscape by implementing federal corporate tax regulations in the financial year commencing on or after 1st June 2023. With UAE corporate tax training, individuals can gain insights into the intricacies of tax regulations in the country.  

This article aims to decode the key regulations and implications of corporate tax in the UAE, shedding light on the impact it has on businesses and the overall economy.

What is Corporate Tax (CT)?

Corporate tax is a type of tax imposed on the profits earned by businesses and corporations. It is a direct tax levied by governments on the income generated through business activities. The tax rate varies from country to country and is typically calculated as a percentage of a company's taxable income, which is its revenue minus allowable deductions and expenses.

It is an essential revenue source for governments, enabling them to fund public services and infrastructure. By levying taxes on corporations, governments aim to strike a balance between promoting economic growth and ensuring businesses contribute their fair share to support the overall welfare of society.

Understanding Corporate Tax in the UAE

Corporate tax, commonly known as corporate income tax or business profits tax, is a direct tax levied on the net income or profit of corporations and other business entities. Unlike many other countries, the UAE imposed a federal corporate tax only recently. The introduction of corporate tax signifies a major shift in the tax structure, requiring companies to pay a percentage of their profits as tax to the government.

There are many educational programs, workshops, or courses for corporate tax training designed to provide individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to understand and manage corporate taxation.

Applicability of Corporate Tax in the UAE

As per the corporate tax regulations in the UAE, businesses with a taxable net profit exceeding 375,000 AED are liable to pay this tax. However, there is a provision to support small businesses and start-ups, as those with a net profit of up to 375,000 AED are exempt from corporate tax. This move aims to encourage entrepreneurship and foster growth in the SME sector.

Furthermore, the tax applies to all businesses and commercial activities, except for:

  • ➤ UAE government entities
  • ➤ UAE government-controlled entities
  • ➤ Businesses engaged in extractive businesses in the UAE
  • ➤ Businesses engaged in non-extractive natural resource businesses in the UAE
  • ➤ Branches of foreign banks

Corporate Tax Rates in the UAE

The corporate tax rate in the UAE is set at 9% of the net profit. This means that companies earning a net profit beyond the tax-exempt threshold will be subject to a 9% tax on their profits. Notably, this rate is competitive compared to global standards, making the UAE's tax regime remain attractive to businesses.

Implementation Date and Legal Framework

The federal corporate tax in the UAE was officially implemented on 1st June 2023. The legal framework for this tax is established through a 'Federal Decree-Law no. 47 of 2022,' released by the authorities on 9th December 2020. This decree-law provides the guidelines and procedures for businesses to comply with the new tax regulations.

Exemptions and Inclusions

While most businesses with a net profit above the threshold are liable for corporate tax, certain exemptions and inclusions are essential to consider:

1. Exemptions:

  • ➤ Individuals: Personal income from employment, real estate, investments in shares, and other non-business-related income are exempted from corporate tax.
  • ➤ Foreign Investors: Foreign investors who do not conduct business activities in the UAE are not subject to corporate tax.
  • ➤ Free Zone Businesses: Corporate tax incentives continue to be offered to free zone businesses that meet regulatory requirements.

2. Inclusions:

  • ➤ Capital Gains and Dividends: UAE businesses receiving capital gains and dividends from qualifying shareholdings are exempted from corporate tax.
  • ➤ Qualifying Intragroup Transactions: This tax does not apply to qualifying intragroup transactions and restructurings.

Calculating Corporate Tax in the UAE

Calculating corporate tax in the UAE is a straightforward process. Companies with a taxable net profit below 375,000 AED pay no corporate tax. However, if the net profit exceeds the threshold, the tax is calculated as 9% of the surplus amount.

For example, if a company's net profit is 500,000 AED:

Taxable Net Profit = Net Profit - Tax-Exempt Threshold

Taxable Net Profit = 500,000 AED - 375,000 AED = 125,000 AED

Corporate Tax = 125,000 AED × 9% = 11,250 AED

Implications of Corporate Tax on Businesses and the Economy

The introduction of corporate tax in the UAE has several implications for businesses and the overall economy:

  • ➤ Increased Government Revenue: This tax provides a new source of revenue for the UAE government, which can be utilized for various development projects and public services.
  • ➤ Encouragement for Economic Diversification: The implementation of corporate tax encourages the diversification of the UAE's economy, reducing dependence on oil and gas revenues.
  • ➤ Impact on Foreign Investment: While the UAE remains an attractive destination for foreign investment, the introduction of this new tax may influence investment decisions for certain businesses. However, the competitive 9% rate may mitigate any significant negative impact.
  • ➤ Compliance and Reporting: Every business now needs to ensure compliance with the new tax regulations and maintain proper financial reporting to accurately calculate and pay corporate tax.
  • ➤ Support for SMEs: The tax exemption for small businesses and start-ups supports the growth and development of the SME sector in the UAE.


The implementation of corporate tax in the UAE marks a significant change in the country's tax landscape. With a competitive 9% tax rate and provisions to support small businesses, the UAE remains an attractive destination for businesses. Understanding the key regulations and implications of this tax is crucial for businesses to comply with the new tax regime while harnessing the benefits of a diversified economy and increased government revenue. As the UAE continues to adapt and evolve its tax system, businesses should stay updated and seek professional advice to navigate the changing tax environment successfully.

Message from the Author

If you’re looking to enrol yourself in the UAE Corporate Tax training in Dubai, get in touch with Learners Point Academy. To learn more, visit the website:, give a call at +971 (04) 403 8000, or simply drop a message on WhatsApp.

Learners Point Academy is a KHDA and ISO 9001:2015 accredited training institute in Dubai.

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