10 Design Tips to Create Interactive Dashboards with Power BI

10 Design Tips to Create Interactive Dashboards with Power BI


Organisations are increasingly depending on strong business intelligence solutions like Power BI to unlock the potential buried inside their massive volumes of raw data in today's quickly expanding and data-driven business landscape. Power BI provides a complete collection of capabilities and functionalities that help organisations turn complicated datasets into actionable insights. The actual value of BI, however, resides in its ability to effectively showcase these insights through interactive dashboards. Interactive dashboards provide a link between data and decision-makers, allowing users to examine and analyse data in real-time. Organisations can uncover the actual value of their data, empower their teams with actionable insights, and drive data-informed decision-making at all levels of the business by developing interactive dashboards with Power BI trained professionals.

In this article, we will look at 10 fundamental design guidelines for creating aesthetically beautiful and highly engaging Power BI dashboards. You can improve user experience, and data comprehension, and effectively convey findings to support improved decision-making by following these steps.

1. Define Clear Objectives 

It is critical to develop a clear set of objectives before beginning the design process for your interactive dashboard. Take the time to fully understand your target audience, their individual needs, and the precise insights they want to gain from the data. By developing a thorough grasp of these variables, you will be able to make educated design decisions that properly match the dashboard with its intended purpose, resulting in a solution that caters to your target audience's needs and expectations.

2. Keep it Simple 

The guiding premise for building interactive dashboards with Power BI should be simplicity. It is critical to avoid overcrowding the dashboard with extraneous images or components. Instead, prioritise the prominent display of critical and relevant information. Users may quickly interpret the data by utilising simple and succinct titles, labels, and legends that avoid excessive complications. This method keeps the dashboard user-friendly and allows for rapid and easy data analysis.

3. Utilize Visual Hierarchy 

Using visual hierarchy to capture users' attention and emphasise critical data inside interactive dashboards is critical. It entails deliberately arranging dashboard items using strategies such as various sizes, contrasting colours, and smart positioning. Designers may steer users' focus and support a more natural and successful data exploration experience by prioritising crucial metrics and visualisations while downplaying less critical information. This planned arrangement of visual components guarantees that users can quickly and easily identify and grasp the dashboard's most important insights.

4. Choose Appropriate Visualizations 

Choosing the correct visualisations is critical for efficient data communication. Power BI provides a variety of visualisation choices, including bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, and maps. Consider the type of data you're dealing with and select visualisations that best reflect the information and help comprehension. Experiment with several chart kinds to find the ones that are best suited to your data.

5. Leverage Filters and Interactivity 

Interactivity is one of the key strengths of Power BI. Take advantage of filters, slicers, and drill-through actions to allow users to explore the data based on their preferences. Implementing interactivity enables users to interact with the dashboard, filter data, and uncover valuable insights on their own.

6. Consistent Color and Style 

Maintaining a consistent colour palette and visual style throughout the dashboard enhances the overall user experience. Choose a colour scheme that is visually appealing and aligns with your brand or the data you are presenting. Consistency in fonts, font sizes, and formatting helps create a professional and polished look and this can be done by utilising Power BI’s potential to its best.

7. Utilize White Space

The empty space between visual elements is known as white space, sometimes known as negative space. It allows for more visual breathing space and improves reading. White space should be used carefully to separate parts, group relevant items, and create a clean and organised layout. A clean dashboard helps consumers to concentrate on the most important information without being distracted.

8. Ensure Responsiveness 

With the increasing use of mobile devices, it is essential to design dashboards that are responsive and adaptable to different screen sizes. Power BI provides responsive layout options that automatically adjust the dashboard components based on the available screen space. Test your dashboard across various devices to ensure a seamless user experience.

9. Regularly Review and Refine 

Designing an interactive dashboard is an iterative process. Regularly review user feedback, analyze usage patterns, and refine your design accordingly. Incorporate user suggestions, address pain points, and optimize the dashboard's usability. By continuously improving the design, you can ensure that the dashboard remains relevant and effective in meeting the evolving needs of your users.

10. Test Performance and Load Times 

As your dashboard grows in complexity and data volume, it is essential to test its performance and load times. Monitor the responsiveness of your visualizations and ensure that the dashboard remains snappy and fast, even with large datasets. Optimize queries, data models, and visualizations to minimize load times and enhance the overall user experience. By focusing on performance, you can deliver a seamless and efficient dashboard that users can rely on for quick and accurate insights.


Creating interactive dashboards with Power BI is an art that requires careful consideration of design principles and user experience. By implementing the ten essential design tips discussed in this article, you can develop visually appealing, user-friendly, and highly interactive dashboards that effectively communicate insights from your data. Remember to define clear objectives, keep the design simple and intuitive, leverage appropriate visualizations, utilize interactivity, maintain consistency, and continuously review and refine your dashboard. With these best practices in mind, you will be well-equipped to design powerful dashboards that drive data-driven decision-making and empower your organization's success.

Message from the Author

If you’re looking to enrol yourself in the Microsoft Power BI training in Dubai, get in touch with Learners Point Academy. To learn more, visit the website: https://learnerspoint.org/, give a call at +971 (04) 403 8000, or simply drop a message on WhatsApp.

Learners Point Academy is a KHDA and ISO 9001:2015 accredited training institute in Dubai.

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