How to Become a Life Coach

How to Become a Life Coach


Life is a journey where your primary goal is to reach a predetermined destination, but no one said the path is without incident. One of the most crucial skills worth having in life is knowing how to jump over the crafty and complex hurdles you inevitably come face to face with.

Many a time we reach a stage in life when we want to bring about a positive transformation within ourselves, but in that situation, it is not unusual for someone to be clueless about how to go about it. It is likely, especially if the person in question is aware of their potential stagnation in ideas or skillsets.

Limited theoretical or practical knowledge in a field of interest is bound to inhibit one’s desired prosperity in the same. It is here that the need for appropriate life coaching arises.

A certified life coach in Dubai not only provides you with the necessary qualities to overcome obstacles in life but also shapes your existing skills and instills you with new ones compatible to combat any new problems that may arise. If you want to be on the giving end, many popular institutes offer life coaching course in Dubai. After you undergo the appropriate life coaching training, you would be surprised how the perception of people toward you changes as soon as they come to know of your life coach certification in Dubai.

The roles of a life coach are not set in stone and metamorphose depending on the client employing them. From resolving personalized issues to helping the aforementioned client do it themselves by opening up paths in front of them that they never even knew existed, the life coaching training of a certified life coach in Dubai makes them capable of dealing with problems of almost any nature.

With an appropriate life coach certification in Dubai, you can guide a client through their problems by basing the method on their strengths or weaknesses after gaining an understanding of the said problem without coming off as judgemental or biased toward or against them.

If you underwent proper life coaching training, you would be expected to possess a set of humanitarian qualities. The ones that should shine most are:

  1. 1) Compassion, empathy, and intuition
  2. 2) A helpful personality
  3. 3) A commendable level of emotional intelligence
  4. 4) A sharp sense of self-awareness
  5. 5) A caring nature
  6. 6) Flawless listening skills so you don’t miss anything
  7. 7) Unflinching integrity
  8. 8) A strong code of ethics and values
  9. 9) The ability to boost the personal growth of others
  10. 10) Entrepreneurial and organizational skills

The difficulty of the path to becoming a certified life coach in Dubai depends on a lot of different factors. From the selected institute you went to for your life coach certification in Dubai to the trainers who were in charge of your life coaching training there, life coaching courses in Dubai vary in their curriculum and shape completely different individuals.

For that reason, if you want to become a life coach, one of your primary points of focus should be to go for enrollment in an organization with a suitable life coaching training program. If you are on the hunt for pointers to select the most compatible among the life coaching courses in Dubai, simply keep reading.

1) Identify the training program that suits you the most

At the outset, research for a good training program that will guide you effectively and coach you towards your outcome along with providing you with good training.

Once you have decided on the type of coaching you want then it will be easy to narrow down the institutes offering the same, but keep your location in mind. Once you have the list of institutes ready, look up professionals who have been certified from there. Good institutes will be praised by their alumni.

2) Selecting your specialization is key to determining your path

Choosing your field of life coaching gives you the liberty to concentrate and work with a like-minded group of people. A good coaching program can help you find your very own niche and space in this competitive industry. While this is not a deciding factor in shaping your career, keeping this in mind always gives you an edge.

3) No matter what you have an eye on, the other should always be on your budget

Before choosing your program, make sure you factor your budget into the calculations because there are both expensive and budgeted courses. All that glitters is not gold, and expensive programs are not necessarily the best ones. An efficient life coaching program is an investment and gives you a hefty ROI in terms of skills.

4) Scan your trainer’s profile and verify their credibility by yourself

If somebody claims to be a successful coach, it would reflect in their lifestyle. Success is not determined by where they come from, but by what the state of their current life is. If they are broke but keep boasting about how good a coach they are, you are bound to smell out a lie. If you want the best, go with the best, and you will grow to be the best.

The most innate quality of a life coach is the ability to facilitate personal and business transformations in the lives of people from various strata of our society. As the name suggests, life coaches offer solutions to any problems in life and tap into the resources of a client to facilitate the latter’s personal growth. Their masteries encompass numerous areas like Wellness Coaching, Team Coaching, Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Organizational Coaching, etc.

Message from the Author

If you’re looking for Life Coaching courses in Dubai, get in touch with Learners Point Academy. Our Life Coaching curriculum is designed to ensure that you can become an effective Life Coach and drive people to do good in their lives.

Learn more about our Life Coaching course in Dubai by visiting our website:, calling us at +971 (04) 403 8000, or simply drop us a message on WhatsApp.

Learners Point Academy is a KHDA and ISO accredited CMA exam and training centre in Dubai, UAE.

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