Master the Art of Including Stories in Public Speaking Classes

Master the Art of Including Stories in Public Speaking Classes


Becoming an inspirational public speaker can be a challenging path as engaging your audience is a difficult task to achieve. One effective way to captivate your listeners is by incorporating stories into your speeches. Storytelling is a vital component in maintaining effective and interesting communication with your audience.

The art of including stories in one's speech is an age-old tradition. Our brains are wired to visualize the world around us in the form of stories that we weave and deliver. This concept of storytelling has now found its place in the business world as well. Therefore, it's not surprising that public speaking classes are in high demand among job seekers.

This article aims to introduce you to four ways in which you can master the art of adding stories to your speech. Public speaking classes are an excellent resource that can help you understand all the important concepts behind becoming an expert orator.

The Importance of Stories 

Stories help bring dull and complex topics to life by creating mental visuals that provide relevance and interest to the audience. By relating to the experiences of the spectators through their own personal experiences, the speaker can vocalize the important concepts and values inherent in the topic.

According to Chip and Dan Heath, authors of "Made to Stick," adding stories to one's oration makes the idea stick to the memory of the audience, thereby making the speech memorable. However, polishing one's skills is only possible by attending public speaking courses. These courses are designed to provide professionals with in-depth information on techniques to develop an engaging and effective presentation with confidence.

Different Kinds of Storytelling Techniques 

1. Monomyth

Storytelling can take many forms, including the heartwarming story of a hero who overcomes obstacles with courage and bravery. This type of storytelling, known as a monomyth, can help the speaker incorporate their intentions of presenting and delivering a particular topic. By using the monomyth structure, the speaker can engage the audience and create a memorable experience for them.


  • ➤ Encourages facing risks with confidence
  • ➤ Evokes empathy in the audience
  • ➤ Attracts the audience's imagination

2. Rags to Riches 

This structure of storytelling presents the hardships of life faced by the speaker and how with courage and persistence, they were able to overcome difficult circumstances to achieve success in their respective fields. Attending public speaking classes can help train and guide you in presenting these instances in the most motivational and professional manner in front of an audience. These classes can provide you with techniques for effectively communicating your message, controlling your nerves, and connecting with your audience, making it easier to share your personal story and inspire others


  • ➤ The audience is able to relate to the experiences
  • ➤ Ensures hope for a better tomorrow

3. Use of Comedy

Comedy can be a powerful tool for speakers to deliver their message in an engaging and entertaining manner. Public speaking courses often emphasize the importance of incorporating comedic elements into your speech to capture and hold the attention of your audience. Consider enrolling in a public speaking course to learn how to effectively use humour to connect with your audience and make your speeches more memorable.


  • ➤ Lightens the mood
  • ➤ Leaves a memorable impression on the audience
  • ➤ Makes the environment interactive and jovial

4. The Mountain

The mountain structure of storytelling is similar to the monomyth. The speaker describes a scene that involves overcoming obstacles and taking action in order to achieve a climactic success.


  • ➤ Teaches methods of overcoming obstacles
  • ➤ Builds suspense and keeps the audience intrigued

5. The Influence of Ideas

Attending public speaking classes can equip you with the necessary skills to effectively convey the importance of teamwork and provide you with various techniques to engage your audience and inspire them to work together towards a common goal.


  • ➤ Encourages teamwork and collaboration
  • ➤ Teaches how to form positive relationships

The public speaking courses advise that it is important to always end a presentation with a resolution that can positively influence the audience, whether it be in the form of advice or an insightful remark. By doing so, the speaker can leave a lasting impact on the listeners and ensure that their message is retained in the minds of the audience.

Here are 4 Ways of Including Stories in Public Speaking Classes

1. Use Stories from Personal Experience 

Including personal stories in your speech, either yours or someone you know, can help establish a deep connection with the audience. Sharing personal experiences of overcoming challenges and achieving success can inspire and motivate the listeners, making them feel reassured that they too can achieve their goals.

2. Share Information Via Stories 

Monotonous and robotic presentations that only deliver content can become very stale and lifeless for the listener. However, incorporating relevant stories can add spice and entertainment to your message. Adding a story can capture the attention of the audience and help you deliver a successful presentation. However, knowing which story can make your speech impactful is essential. This skill can be learned by attending public speaking classes.

3. Stories Give Room to Different Perspectives

Plain instructions often fail to engage the audience and can limit their perspectives and opinions. On the other hand, incorporating stories into your speech can encourage participation and connection with your narrative, making the audience feel included and motivated to learn from your experiences. To learn how to effectively engage and collaborate with your audience, it is recommended that you enroll in public speaking classes. These classes provide valuable guidance and training in various techniques and strategies for delivering effective speeches and presentations.

4. Stories Make your Speech Memorable

Stories engage the senses of the audience, making them more interested and involved in your message. By adding stories to your speech, you can make it more memorable and impactful. To master this skill, you can enroll in public speaking classes.

Throughout history, stories have been a powerful tool to influence and connect with people. Through storytelling, speakers can evoke empathy, improve trust, and motivate action among their audience. To be a successful public speaker, it is crucial to cultivate and nurture this skill of storytelling in your speeches. After all, to persuade your audience, you first need to connect with them. Thankfully, there are comprehensively designed public speaking classes available that can help you build your confidence to speak in front of audiences of various sizes.

Message from the Author

Want to establish a successful career in this highly competitive business world? It's time to shed your fear of standing in front of an audience by attending the Public Speaking course in Dubai

To learn more, visit the website:, give a call at +971 (04) 403 8000, or simply drop a message on WhatsApp.

Learners Point Academy is a KHDA and ISO 9001:2015 accredited training institute in Dubai.

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