10 Must-Have Projects to Elevate Your UI/UX Portfolio

10 Must-Have Projects to Elevate Your UI/UX Portfolio


Building a great UI/UX portfolio is critical for designers looking to establish themselves in a competitive field. A well-crafted portfolio not only exhibits your talents and competence but also your ability to address design difficulties successfully. It is critical to include a varied variety of projects that demonstrate your adaptability and expertise while creating an effective portfolio.

In this article, we're going to look at ten projects that can make your UI/UX portfolio stand out from the crowd. These projects were purposefully designed to highlight a variety of your design skills, including user research, information architecture, wireframing, prototyping, graphic design, and usability testing. You may exhibit your abilities, originality, and problem-solving attitude to potential employers or clients by including these projects in your portfolio.

1. User-Centred Mobile App Redesign 

A user-centred mobile app redesign is an important project for your UI/UX portfolio. Choose a popular smartphone app and extensively examine its current user interface and user experience. Identify pain spots, places for improvement, and possibilities to improve the app's usability and attractiveness. Conduct user research, construct user personas, and produce wireframes and prototypes to present your design solution. Improve the app's navigation, interaction flows, visual hierarchy, and overall user experience. Highlight the iterative design approach you used to develop your redesign, using user input and usability testing. By exhibiting a successful mobile app redesign, you demonstrate your ability to adapt current designs into intuitive and user-friendly experiences.

2. E-commerce Website Optimization 

E-commerce websites play a critical role in client engagement and conversion in an increasingly digital environment. Include in your portfolio a project that focuses on improving the user experience of an e-commerce website. Examine the layout, product pages, shopping cart, checkout procedure, and general flow of the existing website. Identify opportunities for improvement in usability, such as simplifying navigation, improving product categorization, optimising search capabilities, and speeding up the checkout process. To illustrate your problem-solving abilities, display your wireframes, prototypes, and visual design revisions. Showcase any A/B testing or usability research you completed to validate your design selections. You demonstrate your ability to improve user experience and create commercial results via intelligent design enhancements by presenting an e-commerce website optimisation project.

3. Information-Rich Dashboard Design 

Dashboards are critical tools for visually appealing and comprehensible data presentation. Include in your portfolio a project that focuses on developing an information-rich dashboard. Choose a domain, such as finance, analytics, or marketing, and design a dashboard that effectively displays data and allows users to make educated decisions. Demonstrate your knowledge of data visualisation, data structures, and efficient interaction patterns. Incorporate user research and testing into your design process to demonstrate your awareness of user wants and goals. Demonstrate your ability to provide straightforward navigation, filter choices, and adjustable displays to meet the needs of various users. You demonstrate your ability to distil complicated information into a visually attractive and useful interface by providing a well-designed dashboard.

4. Responsive Website Design

Responsive website design is crucial in today's mobile-driven world. It involves creating websites that adapt seamlessly to different devices, ensuring a consistent and optimized user experience. Designers who prioritize user experience across devices demonstrate their understanding of user needs. By implementing industry best practices like mobile-first design, fluid grid systems, and responsive images, designers can create visually appealing and functional websites. This approach allows elements to adjust proportionally based on screen size, maintaining a balanced layout. With visually pleasing and functional responsive website designs in their portfolio, designers showcase their ability to optimize interfaces for diverse devices, resulting in improved user engagement and satisfaction.

5. User Journey Mapping for a Service 

User journey mapping is a strong tool that assists designers in understanding the user experience from beginning to end. Include a project in your portfolio in which you create a detailed user journey map for a service. Determine the many touchpoints and interactions that users have with the service and visualise their journey through each stage.

Demonstrate your abilities to identify pain spots, regions of joy, and areas for progress. Throughout the trip, employ narrative approaches to explain the user's emotions, goals, and motivations. Present user personas, user scenarios, and the final user journey map to demonstrate your research, empathy, and visualisation abilities. You demonstrate your ability to empathise with people, identify pain spots, and develop user-centric experiences by integrating a user journey mapping project.

6. Gamification in User Onboarding 

User onboarding is a vital step that defines a user's first engagement and happiness with a product or service. Include a project in your portfolio that includes gamification aspects in the user onboarding process. Create an interesting and interactive onboarding experience that walks consumers through the product's features and advantages. Demonstrate your skill in building interactive lessons, progress monitoring, awards, and prizes to inspire users. Highlight how your gamification design supports user discovery, learning, and long-term involvement. By delivering a gamified user onboarding project, you demonstrate your ability to balance usability with interesting activities, encouraging a pleasant user experience from the outset.

7. Voice User Interface Design 

With the growth of speech-activated virtual assistants and smart gadgets, voice user interface (VUI) design has grown in relevance. Include a project in your portfolio that focuses on creating a VUI for a specific activity or application. Demonstrate your grasp of conversational design concepts, natural language processing, and voice interaction patterns. Demonstrate your method for designing user flows, dialogue scripts, and voice prototypes. Highlight how you built for context, error handling, and offering appropriate replies. Demonstrate your ability to build intuitive and smooth voice interactions that improve user convenience and efficiency. By displaying a well-executed VUI design project, you demonstrate your skill in building interfaces other than typical graphical user interfaces.

8. Redesigning a Complex Form 

Forms are crucial components of many applications and websites, but they can often be overwhelming and confusing for users. Include a project in your portfolio where you redesign a complex form to improve its usability and user experience. Identify pain points in the existing form, such as excessive fields, unclear instructions, or inefficient input validation. Showcase your expertise in simplifying the form structure, using progressive disclosure techniques, and providing helpful form validation feedback. Highlight how your design choices prioritize user efficiency, error prevention, and accessibility. By presenting a successful form redesign project, you demonstrate your ability to streamline complex interactions, improving user satisfaction and completion rates.

9. Designing a Mobile App for Accessibility 

to gather feedback and iterate on your design for improved accessibility. Showcase your commitment to creating inclusive experiences by presenting your accessible design solutions and the positive impact they have on users with disabilities. By including a mobile app project focused on accessibility, you demonstrate your dedication to designing for all users and your ability to create inclusive experiences.

10. Virtual Reality (VR) User Experience Design 

Virtual Reality (VR) is an emerging technology that offers unique and immersive user experiences. Include a project in your portfolio that showcases your skills in designing VR user experiences. Demonstrate your understanding of spatial interaction, 3D modelling, and user-centred design principles in the context of VR. Present your VR design process, including concept development, prototyping, and user testing. Highlight how you address challenges such as motion sickness, navigation, and intuitive interaction within a virtual environment. Showcase your ability to create engaging and immersive VR experiences that captivate users and enhance their overall satisfaction. By including a VR user experience design project, you demonstrate your versatility and expertise in designing cutting-edge technologies.


Building a strong UI/UX portfolio requires a thoughtful selection of projects that showcase your skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. The ten must-have projects discussed in this article provide a comprehensive range of design challenges that will elevate your portfolio and attract the attention of potential employers or clients. By including projects such as mobile app redesign, e-commerce website optimization, information-rich dashboard design, and responsive website design, you demonstrate your versatility and proficiency in designing for various platforms and contexts. Additionally, projects focused on user journey mapping, gamification, voice user interface, form redesign, mobile app accessibility, and VR user experience design highlight your expertise in user-centred design, empathy, and staying abreast of emerging technologies. Craft your UI/UX portfolio with these essential projects, and embark on a successful career in the exciting field of user experience design.

Message from the Author

If you’re looking to enrol for the UI / UX Design Course in Dubai, get in touch with Learners Point Academy. To learn more, visit the website: https://learnerspoint.org/, give a call at +971 (04) 403 8000, or simply drop a message on WhatsApp.

Learners Point Academy is a KHDA and ISO 9001:2015 accredited training institute in Dubai.

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