7 Things to Learn From Negotiation Skills Training in Dubai

7 Things to Learn From Negotiation Skills Training in Dubai


As a professional in the business world, negotiation is an essential skill that can have a significant impact on your success. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, there are always opportunities to improve your negotiation skills. One way to achieve this is by registering for negotiation skills training in Dubai. This training can give you the upper hand when it comes to negotiating with clients or customers, as well as in personal situations such as job offers, salary negotiations, and promotions.

In a course on Negotiation Mastery by Michael Wheeler, a professor from Harvard Business School, he highlights the numerous benefits that come with mastering negotiation skills. He emphasizes that improving your negotiation skills can result in significant payoffs, such as reaching agreements that would otherwise be unattainable. Additionally, it can allow you to expand the pie and create more value, ensuring that you get more benefits from the agreements you reach. Moreover, mastering negotiation skills can prevent small differences from escalating into significant conflicts.

This article aims to guide you through seven essential skills that you can acquire from negotiation training courses, which can drastically improve your work life. However, before delving into these skills, it is essential to understand the various stages of negotiation.

Stages of Negotiation

1. Preparation

Before embarking on a negotiation, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of what you are negotiating for and which offers or strategies would best suit your project or deal. Equally important is to study the other party involved, including their interests, goals, and approach to the negotiation. Moreover, several other factors must be considered before entering into negotiations. These include the location where the negotiation will take place, your position in the negotiation, alternatives that you are willing to accept from the other party, and who will attend the negotiations.

2. Discussion

Once negotiations have been initiated, both parties need to present their primary information and objectives. During this stage, it is essential to have strong listening, communication, and questioning skills. This stage is critical in building trust between both parties and demonstrating your competence in the subject matter.

3. Clarification

The next stage in negotiation involves gaining a thorough understanding of the objectives that both parties have put forth during the discussion. To achieve this, you may need to ask for clarifications to better understand their interests and viewpoints.

4. Bargain

A successful negotiation can only be achieved if both parties are satisfied with the results. Therefore, it is crucial to put forth ideas that satisfy the needs of both parties while ensuring that you and your organization benefit from the bargain proposed.

5. Agreement

Successful negotiation will lead both parties to reach an agreement that satisfies their interests and needs. This can create a win-win situation for all parties involved and can result in long-lasting relationships and mutual benefits. However, it is important to remember that negotiation is a process, and it requires preparation, communication, and compromise to achieve the desired outcomes. By mastering negotiation skills and techniques, individuals and organizations can improve their ability to reach agreements that are beneficial for all parties involved. 

6. Execution

After a successful negotiation, both parties have a responsibility to execute the plan exactly as discussed in the meeting. This requires commitment and follow-through to ensure that the agreed-upon terms are carried out effectively.

7 Skills To Learn From the Negotiation Skills Training in Dubai

Listed below are 7 essential skills to master the art of negotiation:

1. Communication Skills

Strong communication skills are an inevitable part of any healthy and effective negotiation. It is important to convey your message in an easy-to-understand manner to ensure that both parties are on the same page. Deal-making is all about giving and taking, so it is crucial to articulate your thoughts and ideas in a way that leads to an agreeable solution. This can be achieved through active listening, clear communication, and the ability to adapt your communication style to match the other party's needs. By honing your communication skills, you can improve your chances of reaching a successful negotiation outcome.

2. Listening Skills

To become a good negotiator, it's crucial to carefully listen to the other party's proposals. Therefore, having good listening skills plays a crucial role in reaching an agreement. Listening to others conveys respect for them and builds trust, enhancing understanding between all participants in the negotiation.

3. Planning Skills

The negotiation skills training in Dubai can help nurture your planning skills by providing you with the necessary tools and strategies. This involves having a good understanding of what you are going to negotiate about, the ways you are going to lay out your proposal, and a thorough study of the opposing members attending the meeting. Additionally, negotiation skills training in Dubai can also teach you about alternatives you can agree upon and other important considerations that can help you achieve a successful outcome.

4. Persuasion Skills 

Your persuasion skills are essential for winning in negotiations. By learning how to influence others through your words and actions, you can ensure that both parties benefit from the agreement. Strong persuasion skills require confidence and self-belief, without which you may fail to make a lasting impact. This is where negotiation skills training in Dubai can help you hone your persuasion skills and become a more effective negotiator.

5. Strategizing Skills

When planning for a negotiation, it is important to strategize tactics that will help you negotiate effectively. This includes knowing every aspect of the deal being conducted to attain the best results. Understanding the deal will help in creating the best plan of action for bargaining.

6. Problem-Solving Skills

During a negotiation, deadlocks are quite possible, where neither party is satisfied with the results. In such cases, it's important to utilize problem-solving skills and provide solutions that meet the demands of both parties.

7. Emotional Intelligence

Your emotions can have a significant impact on the outcome of a negotiation, and this is where emotional intelligence training can be valuable. By developing your emotional intelligence, you can learn to manage your emotions in a way that benefits the negotiation. This involves knowing when to exhibit confidence and assertiveness, and when to remain calm and composed. It also means being aware of your emotions and those of the other party, and using this information to guide your approach. With emotional intelligence training, you can improve your ability to read the emotions of others, communicate effectively, and build strong relationships that lead to successful negotiations.

While there are many other skills involved in negotiation, the ones mentioned above are some of the most critical and commonly used. Participating in a negotiation training course can help individuals understand their weaknesses and strengths, enabling them to improve their areas of weakness and achieve the best possible outcome in the workplace.

Message from the Author

If you’re looking to enrol for Negotiation Skills Training in Dubai, get in touch with Learners Point Academy. To learn more, visit our website: https://learnerspoint.org/, or give a call at +971 (04) 403 8000, or simply drop a message on WhatsApp.

Learners Point Academy is a KHDA and ISO 9001:2015 accredited training institute in Dubai.

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