7 Practical Tips for Cybersecurity from CompTIA Security+

7 Practical Tips for Cybersecurity from CompTIA Security+


With rapid acceleration in technological advancements, it has become more and more important for individuals to utilize the advantages that are provided through the use of computers to be more productive and successful both in their personal lives as well as in their careers. However, with the increasing dependency on interconnected devices, the risks such as privacy invasion, cyber theft, and other threats have also increased exponentially. Subsequently, it has become vastly important to have an understanding of the concept of cybersecurity to prevent oneself from being targeted by online malware, as well as put up a strong line of defence against malicious attackers such as hackers, scammers, and other cyber criminals.

As a result of this, big tech companies and organizations are finding it necessary to hire individuals that are specialized in cybersecurity to prevent data breaches and other threats that can damage their computer systems and networks. Many courses offer the proper knowledge and skillsets required for cybersecurity and one of the most widely known among them is CompTIA Security+.

The CompTIA Security+ certification validates your knowledge and skills required to secure and protect computer systems and networks, consequently not only helping you protect yourself online but also unlocking a wide range of job opportunities to enhance your career in the IT field.

Here are some practical tips for cybersecurity that are derived from CompTIA Security+:- 

1. Use Firewalls and Antivirus Software

A firewall is a network security system that acts as a defence line for your computer while on a network. It analyses the incoming and outgoing traffic through a network, and blocks or terminates potential threats. Meanwhile, antiviruses are software designed to detect, isolate and remove potentially threatening codes and malware software to prevent damaging your computer.

CompTIA Security+ underscores the importance of employing firewalls and antivirus software as fundamental security measures. A firewall behaves as a barrier between your internal network and external threats and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic. Coupled with up-to-date antivirus software, which detects and removes malicious software, these measures provide a strong line of defence against a range of cyber threats.

2. Stay Up to date

Systems are constantly receiving feedback through crash reports and can discover and identify the latest methods of exploits used by cyber thefts. As a result, developers can make appropriate modifications to their software to outperform these new threats. Hence it is necessary to keep your system and software updated to the latest versions to avoid any losses.

Regularly updating your systems, including operating systems, software, and applications, is an essential step in maintaining a secure environment. These updates often contain patches that address known vulnerabilities, reducing the risk of exploitation by cybercriminals. Neglecting updates can leave your systems susceptible to attacks that exploit unpatched security flaws. You can stay updated with the latest practices and versions with this training. 

3. Practice Good Password Hygiene

The importance of passwords is often overlooked and misunderstood. Passwords are typically a string of characters that help identify you as the owner or authorized person, letting you gain access to certain secure data or software. But passwords are not only used to identify authorized access but also to block unauthorized access. Cybercriminals often use malware software to crack passwords.

Therefore, it is recommended by CompTIA to use strong, unique passwords for each account. A strong password should consist of a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Furthermore, it is crucial to avoid reusing passwords across multiple platforms. Utilizing a password manager can simplify the process of managing and generating strong passwords securely.

4. Use Strong Authentications

Strong authentication, also known as multi-factor authentication (MFA) or two-factor authentication (2FA), is a security mechanism used in cybersecurity to enhance the protection of user accounts and sensitive information. It provides an additional layer of defence against unauthorized access by requiring multiple pieces of evidence to verify the user's identity. 

The primary purpose of strong authentication is to mitigate the risks associated with traditional password-based authentication, which can be compromised through various means such as brute-force attacks, phishing, or password reuse. By incorporating multiple factors, strong authentication significantly increases the difficulty for attackers to gain unauthorized access, even if they manage to obtain or crack the user's password.

5. Beware Of Phishing Scams

Phishing scams are a type of cyber attack where attackers impersonate trustworthy entities or individuals to trick people into revealing sensitive information, such as login credentials, credit card numbers, or personal data. The attackers typically use deceptive techniques to manipulate victims into taking actions that compromise their security or privacy. Phishing scams commonly occur through email, but they can also happen through other communication channels such as phone calls, text messages, or instant messaging platforms.

6. Back Up Your Data Regularly

Backing up your data regularly is an important part of a robust cybersecurity strategy. CompTIA Security+ highlight the necessity to make regular backups of important data, both online on a trusted cloud service as well as on offline personal storage units such as external SSDs. Backing up your data to a secure and offline location ensures that you can recover your information in the event of a security incident or data loss. By having backups readily available, you can avoid falling victim to ransomware attacks and minimize the impact of potential disruptions.

7. Educate Yourself About Cybersecurity

Continuous education and staying informed about the evolving cybersecurity landscape are vital for safeguarding against emerging threats. CompTIA Security+ encourage individuals to actively seek knowledge and develop their skills in the field of cybersecurity. Attending conferences, webinars, and training sessions can enhance understanding, while regularly reading security blogs, news articles, and reports can provide insights into new attack techniques and security practices.


In conclusion, the implementation of practical cybersecurity tips that are derived from CompTIA Security+ can substantially amplify your overall security. By adapting to these proactive measures, you contribute to a safer digital environment for yourself as well as the organizations that you work for.

Message from the Author

If you’re looking to enroll in a CompTIA Security+ course, get in touch with Learners Point Academy. To learn more, visit the website: https://learnerspoint.org/, give a call at +971 (04) 403 8000, or simply drop a message on WhatsApp.

Learners Point Academy is a KHDA and ISO 9001:2015 accredited training institute in Dubai.

  • Big Data on AWS
  • Cyber Security

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