Why Should You Take Bullying in the Workplace Training?

Why Should You Take Bullying in the Workplace Training?


Worklife can be unpleasant for some, especially those who have been victims of workplace bullying. While employees face challenges and find solutions, the scars of bullying can last a lifetime. Workplace bullying doesn't always involve physical assaults and can be as subtle as ignoring someone's presence or excluding them from group activities. It can also be as damaging as sabotaging their work. Eliminating workplace bullying is crucial to promote a healthy company culture and boost employee morale, making it necessary to include bullying in the workplace training programs.

These training courses focus on identifying different forms of bullying behaviour and its impact on the employee and the workplace. It is crucial to distinguish bullying from constructive criticism or monitoring, as bullying can lead to low self-esteem. Therefore, companies must address the issue of bullying and provide support to victims to create a safe and inclusive work environment.

Some common instances of workplace bullying are: 

  • ➤ Passing sensitive and targeted jokes and insults on someone.
  • ➤ Resorting to verbal abuse like threatening and humiliating in front of a group of other employees.
  • ➤ Passing unjust and harsh criticisms.
  • ➤ Purposely misleading the person about work duties (for example incorrect deadlines).
  • ➤ Ignoring and denying work-related requests of the employee. 
  • ➤ Intentional and excessive monitoring of the employee’s work.

There is no doubt to the fact that bullying can affect the overall productivity and development of the company as well. not controlling these actions can lead to :

  • ➤ Financial losses from legal costs or bullying investigations.
  • ➤ Low morale among employees.
  • ➤ Increased number of absentees.
  • ➤ High turnover rates.
  • ➤ Poor team coordination and dynamics.

Types of Bullying

Preventing workplace bullying is possible only if we are aware of the different types of forms it can take. Listed below are some forms of bullying seen in the workplace:

1. Verbal: The most habitual bullying style seen among perpetrators is by humiliating or insulting the other person by using very harsh and sensitive words. This type of abuse can arise from work-related rivalry or other personal issues. When aggravated, this can also lead to passing very sensitive comments leading the other person to experience mental stress and fatigue. 

2. Aggression: Aggressive bullies wish to instill fear among their co-workers. This they do by threatening, screaming, or using other means to intimidate them. 

3. Work-Related: Work-oriented bullying usually stems from unhealthy competition and jealousy among coworkers. These bullies try to sabotage the work of others to keep them from achieving a good name in the workplace. 

4. Institutional: In many cases, the institution is directly or indirectly involved in bullying by placing employees under the pressure of unrealistic production goals, forced overtime, or pinpointing and insulating those who are unable to fulfill their targets. 

What Does Bullying in the Workplace Training Teach Us?

Being a victim of workplace bullying can make a person feel powerless, as they are subjected to constant ridicule that damages their self-esteem and confidence. Additionally, they may feel threatened with consequences if they report the bullies to higher officials. Unfortunately, in some cases, even the higher officials may be the ones causing the harm, leaving the victims with nowhere to turn.

Victims of bullying may wrongly blame themselves for the situation, not realizing the impact it can have on their work and personal life. Ignoring the situation and accepting the bully's behaviour will only make the situation worse. However, the bullying in the workplace course is designed to provide participants with the tools to understand, control and eliminate such behaviours.

The course enables participants to learn effective strategies to manage bullying, including how to handle conflicts, communicate assertively, and build healthy relationships. It also covers the importance of developing a supportive network and seeking help when needed. By promoting a culture of respect and inclusivity, companies can create a safe and healthy work environment.

Listed below are some steps that the employer/higher officials should follow to ensure the safety and well-being of all their employees:

1. Prevent Before It Even Starts

As a person on whom the whole team is dependent, the employer has some duties and obligations to fulfill, among which ensuring the safety of the employee is of prime importance. These can be achieved by following some simple steps:

  • ➤ Promote and encourage communication among the employees. This can be done by conducting regular team and group activities.
  • ➤ Make it clear to the employee that workplace bullying is unacceptable and anyone caught doing it will be liable to very severe punishments. 
  • ➤ Encourage your team members to be vocal about any such activities and make an instant report on the matter when a complaint is made.
  • ➤ Regularly monitor and review the performance of the employee to see if there is any deterioration in their work productivity. 

2. Help the Victim

If as a fellow team member, or as a senior, you come to know about a person being subjected to workplace bullying, make sure to lend a helping hand to the victim. This simple yet thoughtful gesture of yours will help the victim regain their confidence, trust, and self-esteem. Follow the given steps if you ever come across such situations:

  • ➤ Offer Support to make the victim feel reassured. Report to your seniors or take relevant actions as soon as possible to stop any further escalation.
  • ➤ To build trust, make sure to listen very attentively and carefully to the victim. This will make them feel heard and give them the strength to stand up for themselves.
  • ➤ Stay in constant touch with the co-worker to ensure that no such activity is repeated. 
  • ➤ If you are a senior, make sure to punish the perpetrators as soon as possible. 

3. Collect Evidence 

As someone who is being bullied, or as someone who is aware of bullying being taken place, you need to follow some steps to confront and punish the bullies. These are:

  • ➤ Keep track and document the bullying via notes (mentioning the date, time, and method of bullying) or by recording them.
  • ➤ If you have received any threatening notes, comments, messages, or emails, make sure to save them to prove your point.
  • ➤  Confront the bully and make sure they get the punishment they deserve.
  • ➤ Review the company policy and seek legal guidance if things have escalated beyond control.

Bullying in the workplace is a serious issue that still persists in many organizations, despite the implementation of policies and actions. As a co-worker or senior, it becomes your responsibility to ensure the welfare of your team members. The bullying in the workplace course provides insight into your rights and equips you with the necessary tools to take appropriate action when you witness any such activity.

This course covers the different forms of workplace bullying and their impact on the victims and the organization. It also provides participants with practical strategies to address bullying, including conflict resolution, assertive communication, and creating a positive work culture. By creating a supportive environment and promoting a culture of respect and inclusivity, companies can prevent bullying and create a safe workplace for everyone.

In addition, the course also teaches participants how to provide support to victims of bullying and helps to build a culture of empathy and kindness. It is essential to remember that every person has the right to work in a safe and healthy environment, free from any form of harassment or discrimination.

Message from the Author

If you’re looking to enrol for the Bullying in the Workplace training in Dubai, get in touch with Learners Point Academy. To learn more, visit the website: https://learnerspoint.org/, give a call at +971 (04) 403 8000, or simply drop a message on WhatsApp.

Learners Point Academy is a KHDA and ISO 9001:2015 accredited training institute in Dubai.

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