PCAP™ - Python Developer Certification Training in Dubai

The Certified Associate in Python Programming - PCAP™ in Dubai helps participants with knowledge and practical skills in Python programming. Take part in our course and crack the Certified Associate in Python Programming - PCAP™ exam by the Python Institute (PythonInstitute.org). Our 35-hour course is divided into 11 modules covering both fundamental and advanced topics. Our course aims to provide individuals with varying levels of skills, knowledge and experience in programming. Participants will learn essential concepts such as data types, loops, and functions, as well as explore more advanced topics like object-oriented programming, List comprehensions, exception handling, and data manipulation with libraries like NumPy and Pandas. With the support of experienced mentors, participants will develop the expertise required to pursue opportunities as a Python developer and programmer roles, setting the stage for successful careers.

Accredited By

  • 35 Hours Training
  • Online / Classroom / Onsite
  • 27 Jul, 2024 / 27 Jul, 2024
  • Additional Program Dates
  • 100K+ Happy Students

(600+ Google Reviews)

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What is The PCAP™ - Python Developer Certification Training in Dubai All About?

Discover the Certified Python Developer Course in Dubai to unlock pathways for career growth in the field of programming and allow the individual to learn Python from scratch. The course curriculum is designed to create an understanding of Python architecture, philosophy, scripts, applications, and packages through hands-on practical sessions and real-world applications to enhance their proficiency in Python development. Our course deeply covers various topics such as Data Collection, functions, importing modules and packages, string manipulation, exception handling, object-oriented programming, Lambda functions, closures, Inheritance, and overriding. After completion of the course, participants will be proficient in developing Python-based applications, websites, and data analysis solutions.

Why is The PCAP™ - Python Developer Certification Training in Dubai Important?

Participating in the Certified Python Developer Course in Dubai is essential for those looking to excel in positions such as Web developers, programmers, and Big Data Scientists. The course content focuses on the core concepts, improving coding skills, and helping to master advanced Python and its libraries. This training program accommodates individuals with varying levels of expertise, from beginners to seasoned professionals, seeking certification as developers and being an expert in Python best practices.

Why Do Companies Hire Professionals With PCAP™ - Python Developer Certification Training in Dubai?

After finishing the Certified Python Developer Course in Dubai, individuals become in high demand by companies worldwide. This field has numerous career prospects, with capable individuals receiving appealing pay packages. Python is experiencing rapid growth as a programming language, becoming increasingly popular among developers. Our curriculum ensures a comprehensive grasp of Python concepts and expertise in programming skills necessary for a successful career.

Industry Trends

Individuals enrolling in the Certified Python Developer Course in Dubai are prepared to enter the field with confidence and excel as proficient Python developers. A recent survey shows approximately 8 million Python developers are there worldwide. Python is the second most popular language among the top 10 global Programming languages. Upon finishing the course, participants become prepared and encounter promising prospects as Python developers.

Market trends

The course is substantial as companies increasingly require individuals skilled in Python programming. Prominent firms like Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Google, PwC, and Amazon actively seek Python developers. According to a survey, there is an anticipated growth rate of 22% in demand for Python developers from 2023 to 2028.

Salary Trends

Python developers are witnessing a rise in job opportunities in Dubai, resulting in enhanced remuneration packages from employers. Roles such as Web Developers and Full Stack Developers are becoming increasingly lucrative worldwide, with compensation and perks seeing a substantial 25% growth. After completing this course, individuals acquire the essential skills to attain these high-paying roles easily.

Demand & Opportunities

Enrolling in this training offers a wide range of opportunities for individuals seeking to start their careers in programming and coding. With a thriving global community of Python developers continuously enhancing its functionality, Python offers endless possibilities for development. The demand for Python programmers spans various industries, reflecting its widespread utility and versatility. This certification serves as a means for individuals to improve their programming skills and set them on paths to roles such as Python Developers and Software Engineers.

Some of the most sought-after job roles open for professionals with Python Developer Certification in Dubai are as follows:

  1. Software Engineer
  2. Web Developer
  3. Full Stack Developer
  4. Python Developer
  5. Software Developer
  6. Backend Developer

Course Outcome

The course outcomes for the Certified Python Developer Course in Dubai are as follows:

  • Comprehensive Knowledge in Programming: Participants gain a thorough understanding of Python programming concepts, from basics to advanced topics, setting a strong foundation for their careers.
  • Mastery of Essential Python Concepts: Participants learn essential concepts such as data types, loops, and functions, essential for developing Python-based applications.
  • Exploration of Advanced Topics: The course delves into advanced topics like object-oriented programming, list comprehension, exception handling, and data manipulation.
  • Expertise in Developing Python Applications and Websites: Upon completion of the course, participants are proficient in developing Python-based applications, and websites.
  • Guidance from Experienced Mentors: With the support of experienced mentors, participants receive personalized guidance and mentorship throughout the course, ensuring a successful learning experience.
  • Preparation for Python Developer Roles: Participants develop the expertise required to pursue opportunities as Python developers and programmer roles, creating successful careers.

Course Module

  • Fundamental concepts: interpreting and the interpreter, compilation and the compiler, language elements, lexis, syntax and semantics, Python keywords, instructions, indenting
    • Literals: Boolean, integer, floating-point numbers, scientific notation, strings
    • Comments
    • The print() function
    • The input() function
    • Numeral systems (binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal)
    • Numeric operators: ** * / % // + –
    • String operators: * +
    • Assignments and shortcut operator
  • Conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif, if-elif-else
  • Multiple conditional statements
  • The pass instruction
  • Building loops: while, for, range(), in
  • Iterating through sequences
  • Expanding loops: while-else, for-else
  • Nesting loops and conditional statements
  • Controlling loop execution: break, continue
  • Defining and invoking your own functions and generators
  • Return and Yield keywords
  • Returning results
  • None keyword
  • Recursion
  • Parameters vs. arguments
  • Positional keyword and mixed argument passing
  • Default parameter values
  • Converting generator objects into lists using the list() function
  • Name scopes, name hiding (shadowing), the global keyword
  • Except, except:-except; except:-else:, except (e1,e2)
  • The hierarchy of exceptions
  • Raise, raise ex, assert
  • Event classes, except E as e, arg property
  • Self-defined exceptions, defining and using
  • Instance vs class variables: declaring, initializing
  • __dict__ property (objects vs classes)
  • Private components (instance vs classes)
  • Name mangling
  • Methods: declaring, using, self parameter
  • Introspection: hasattr() (objects vs classes), __name__, __module__, __bases__ properties
  • Inheritance: single, multiple, isinstance(), overriding, not is and is operators
  • Inheritance: single, multiple, isinstance(), overriding, not is and is operators
  • Constructors: declaring and invoking
  • Polymorphism
  • __name__, __module__, __bases__ properties, __str__() method
  • Multiple inheritance, diamonds
  • Defining your own classes, superclasses, subclasses, inheritance, searching for missing class components, creating objects
  • Class attributes: class variables and instance variables, defining, adding and removing attributes, explicit constructor invocation
  • Class methods: defining and using, the self-parameter meaning and usage
  • Inheritance and overriding, finding class/object components
  • Single inheritance vs. multiple inheritances
  • Name mangling
  • Invoking methods, passing and using the self-argument/parameter
  • The __init__ method
  • The role of the __str__ method
  • Introspection: __dict__, __name__, __module__, __bases__ properties, examining class/object structure
  • Writing and using constructors
  • Hasattr(), type(), issubclass(), isinstance(), super() functions
  • Using predefined exceptions and defining your own ones
  • The try-except-else-finally block, the raise statement, the except-as variant
  • Exceptions hierarchy, assigning more than one exception to one except branch
  • Adding your own exceptions to an existing hierarchy
  • Assertions
  • The anatomy of an exception object
  • Input/output basics: opening files with the open() function, stream objects, binary vs. text files, newline character translation, reading and writing files, bytearray objects
  • Read(), readinto(), readline(), write(), close() methods
  • Objectives covered by the block (6 exam items)
    • Operators: unary and binary, priorities and binding

    • Bitwise operators: ~ & ^ | << >>

    • Boolean operators: not and or

    • Boolean expressions

    • Relational operators ( == != > >= < <= ), building complex Boolean expressions

    • Accuracy of floating-point numbers

    • Basic input and output operations using the input(), print(), int(), float(), str(), len() functions

    • Formatting print() output with end= and sep= arguments

    • Typecasting

    • Basic calculations

    • Simple strings: constructing, assigning, indexing, immutability

  • Simple lists: constructing vectors, indexing, and slicing, the len() function
  • Lists in detail: indexing, slicing, basic methods (append(), insert(), index()) and functions (len(), sorted(), etc.), del instruction, iterating lists with the for loop, initializing, in and not in operators, list comprehension, copying, and cloning
  • Lists in lists: matrices and cubes
  • Tuples: indexing, slicing, building, immutability
  • Tuples vs. lists: similarities and differences, lists inside tuples and tuples inside lists
  • Dictionaries: building, indexing, adding and removing keys, iterating through dictionaries as well as their keys and values, checking key existence, keys(), items(), and values() methods
  • Strings in detail: escaping using the \ character, quotes, and apostrophes inside strings, multi-line strings, and basic string functions
  • Import variants; advanced qualifying for nested modules
  • Dir(); sys. path variable
  • Math: ceil(), floor(), trunc(), factorial(), hypot(), sqrt(); random: random(), seed(), choice(), sample()
  • Platform: platform(), machine(), processor(), system(), version(), python_implementation(), python_version_tuple()
  • Idea, __pycache__, __name__, public variables, __init__.py
  • Searching for modules/packages; nested packages vs directory tree
  • ASCII, UNICODE, UTF-8, codepoints, escape sequences
  • Ord(), chr(), literals
  • Indexing, slicing, immutability
  • Iterating through,
  • Concatenating, multiplying, comparing (against strings and numbers)
  • In, not in
  • .isxxx(), .join(), .split()
  • .sort(), sorted(), .index(), .find(), .rfind()
  • List comprehension: if operator, using list comprehensions
  • Lambdas: defining and using lambdas, self-defined functions taking lambda as arguments; map(), filter();
  • Closures: meaning, defining, and using closures
  • I/O Operations: I/O modes, predefined streams, handles; text/binary modes
  • open(), errno and its values; close()
  • .read(), .write(), .readline(); readlines() (along with bytearray())

Program Dates

27 Jul
  • 11:00 AM
  • Sat
  • Online Live
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Expert Instructors & Teaching Methods

Learners Point has a reputation for high-quality training that makes a difference in people’s lives. We undertake a practical and innovative approach to working closely with businesses to improve their workforce. Our expertise is wide-ranging with ample support from our expert trainers who are globally recognized and hold a diverse set of experiences in their field of expertise. We are proud of our instructors who take ownership of our distinctive and comprehensive training methodologies, help our students imbibe those with ease, and accomplish gracefully.

We at Learners Point believe in encouraging our students to embark upon a journey of lifelong learning and self-development, with the aid of our comprehensive and distinctive courses tailored to current market trends. The manifestation of our career-oriented approach is what we assure through a pleasant professional enriched environment with cutting-edge technology, and an outstanding while highly acknowledged training staff that uses up-to-date methodologies and quality course material. With our aim to mold professionals to be future leaders, our industry expert trainers provide the best in town mentorship to our students while endowing them with the thirst for knowledge and inspiring them to strive for professional and human excellence.

Our Trainers

Why Count on Learners Point?

Being the leading provider of the Certified Python Developer Course in Dubai, at Learners Point Academy we help professionals get equipped with the necessary skill set for a successful career.

Following are the USPs our Certified Python Developer Course in Dubai offers you:

  • We look at real-world scenarios organizations face and formulate our course in Dubai evaluating practical requirements
  • Apart from theoretical knowledge, we also focus on practical case studies to give you a reality check and insight into what exactly will be asked of you while delivering in a demanding role
  • Our bespoke course in Dubai also equips you with hands-on experience by offering assignments related to the actual work environment
  • Apart from organizing group sessions, we also offer a guided learning experience to enhance the quality of our Python Certification programs
  • We also take a discrete approach to career guidance so that one can be successfully placed as a professional

Learners Experience

"Enrolling in the Python Developer Course in Dubai was a game-changer for my career. Mastered both front-end and back-end development with Python. Now excelling as a Full Stack Developer, creating end-to-end solutions."

Sameen Haque

Full Stack Developer

"The course provided comprehensive training in Python backend development. Now excelling as a Backend Developer, building robust server-side applications. Highly recommend the course."

Rehana Afzal

Backend Developer

"Enrolling in the Python Developer Course in Dubai was transformative. Acquired expertise in Python scripting and application development. Thriving as a Python Developer, creating innovative solutions."

Reshma Kazmi

Python Developer

"Completing the Python Developer Course in Dubai was pivotal for my career. Mastered web development with Python frameworks. Currently thriving as a Web Developer, building dynamic websites."

Nabiha Khalili

Web Developer

"The Python Developer Course in Dubai was an enriching experience. Explored Python fundamentals extensively. Now excelling as a Software Engineer, developing robust applications using Python."

Mohamed Al-Mazrouei

Software Engineer

Our Graduates

Our graduates are from big companies, small, companies, they are founders, career changers and life long learners. Join us and meet your tribe!

FAQs on PCAP™ - Python Developer Certification Training in Dubai

The duration of the Certified Python Developer Course is 35 hours.

Yes, the Certified Python Developer Course in Dubai is globally recognised and acknowledged

After completing our Certified Python Developer Course, the individual will get a completion certificate from Learners Point Academy

Our Python language tutorial is for candidates who have enrolled in the Certified Python Developer Course.

With a Python certification, candidates can get a high salary. Python is regarded as one of the most lucrative skills in the IT sector. Its widespread use and adaptability are in high demand.

There are several Python Programming Courses. Some of the best Python Programming Courses in Dubai are as follows:

1)Python course at The Knowledge Academy
2)Python course at Learners Point Academy
3)Python course at Edoxi Training Institute and many more
The institutes that provide top Python Coding classes in Dubai are as follows:

1)Learners Point Academy
2)The Knowledge Academy
3)Edoxi Training Institute and many more
The job opportunities after completing the Certified Python Developer Course in Dubai are as follows:

1)Software Engineer
2)Web Developer
3)Python Developer
4)Software Developer
5)Backend Developer
6)Data Engineer
7)Full Stack Developer
8)Python Consultant

Yes, online classes are provided for the Certified Python Developer Course in Dubai at Learners Point Academy.

At Learners Point, if a participant doesn’t wish to proceed with the training for the Certified Python Developer Course after registration for any reason, he or she is eligible for a 100% refund. However, the refund will be issued only if we are notified in writing within 2 days from the registration date. The refund will be processed within 4 weeks from the day of exit.

There are 11 modules in the Python language tutorial for the Developer certification

The Python Language certification training at Learners Point Academy is interactive and engaging. Participants gain from interactive components such as:

1)Case studies
2)Group discussions
3)Q&A sessions
4)Special doubt-clearing sessions

Several beginner-friendly Python courses in Dubai cater to individuals keen on learning the programming language. These courses typically offer comprehensive instruction in Python fundamentals to beginners with little to no prior coding experience. Some of these include the Python Course at Learners Point Academy, Simplilearn, Edoxi Training Institute, ZeoLearn, Zabeel International etc.

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