PCAP™ - Python Developer Certification Training

Our Python Developer Certification is a comprehensive 35-hour learning journey guided by seasoned instructors. Our training helps professionals to learn essential Python skills from scratch. Our training helps them to understand data types, collections, strings, and object-oriented programming. Led by industry veterans in the technology sector, we ensure a premium learning experience. In addition to theoretical understanding, participants receive expert guidance to clear the Certified Associate in Python Programming - PCAP exam, accredited by the Python Institute (PythonInstitute.org). Our goal is to help professionals in their journey to becoming the Certified Associate in Python Programming - PCAP.

Accredited By

  • 35 Hours Training
  • Online / Classroom / Onsite
  • 21 Jul, 2024 / 28 Jul, 2024
  • Additional Program Dates
  • 100K+ Happy Students

(600+ Google Reviews)

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What is the PCAP™ - Python Developer Certification Training All About?

Our Certified Associate in Python Programming - PCAP™ helps professionals understand the fundamental concepts of Python programming. Our course modules are designed based on modern industry requirements. They will learn about data types, data collection, and object-oriented programming.

Why is the PCAP™ - Python Developer Certification Training Important?

Our Certified Python Developer course helps professionals in a variety of industries, including web development, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and more. They can understand diverse applications. It is one of the most important skill sets, especially in machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). 

How Does a PCAP™ - Python Developer Certification Training Help You Get Hired by Companies?

Our Python Developer Certification helps professionals to learn the different tools and techniques. Considered globally as one of the top courses, we present promising career opportunities. The demand for these developers is on a steady rise each year. Our course modules help learners with essential knowledge in Data Types, Data Collections, Strings, and Object-Oriented Programming. 

Industry Trends

The introduction of Python courses has provided significant shifts in industry patterns. Hence influencing the future of employment and innovation.

Here are several impacts of industry advancements:

  • ➤ Skill Diversification
  • ➤ Rapid Prototyping and Iteration
  • ➤ Interdisciplinary Collaboration
  • ➤ Advent of New Industries

Market trends

The overall market has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years. The overall market value is projected to reach 655.5 billion by 2029. According to GitHub, Python's usage has risen, experiencing a 22.5% year-over-year increase.

Salary Trends

Given Python's status as one of the most widely used programming languages worldwide. Its market presence is increasing day by day. Glassdoor currently lists over 11,000 job advertisements globally for Python-related roles. While Indeed has around 14,000 such roles. This highlights the pivotal role of Python courses in unlocking numerous career opportunities with competitive pay packages.

Demand & Opportunities

Completing Python Developer Certification provides ample career opportunities. Python's versatility, simplicity, and extensive library and framework ecosystem make it a valuable skill across various domains such as web development, data analysis, machine learning, automation, and more. Its widespread adoption by leading companies and active community support further solidify its value.

Some of the notable job opportunities are as follows:

  1. Data Engineer
  2. Full-stack Developer
  3. DevOps Engineer
  4. Cybersecurity Analyst
  5. IoT (Internet of Things) Developer

Course Outcome

Successful completion of the Python Developer Training will help individuals in the following ways:

  • Learn the Fundamental Concepts: Understand concepts such as interpreting vs. compiling, lexis, syntax, semantics, Python keywords, literals, and basic I/O operations.
  • Master Data Types and Operators: Achieve proficiency in numeric and string operators, Boolean expressions, typecasting, and basic input/output operations for efficient program execution.
  • Control Flow: Implement conditional statements and loops effectively, including nested structures, and break and continue statements, for better program control.
  • Data Collections: Gain skills in utilizing lists, tuples, and dictionaries, including manipulation methods, list comprehension, and understanding string manipulation.
  • Learn the Functions: Define and invoke functions, understand recursion, manage parameters, comprehend scopes, and convert generators into lists effectively.

Course Module

Fundamental concepts: interpreting and the interpreter, compilation and the compiler, language elements, lexis, syntax and semantics, Python keywords, instructions, indenting

  • Literals: Boolean, integer, floating-point numbers, scientific notation, strings
  • Comments
  • The print() function
  • The input() function
  • Numeral systems (binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal)
  • Numeric operators: ** * / % // + –
  • String operators: * +
  • Assignments and shortcut operator
  • Conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif, if-elif-else
  • Multiple conditional statements
  • The pass instruction
  • Building loops: while, for, range(), in
  • Iterating through sequences
  • Expanding loops: while-else, for-else
  • Nesting loops and conditional statements
  • Controlling loop execution: breakcontinue
  • Defining and invoking your own functions and generators
  • Return and Yield keywords
  • Returning results
  • None keyword
  • Recursion
  • Parameters vs. arguments
  • Positional keyword and mixed argument passing
  • Default parameter values
  • Converting generator objects into lists using the list() function
  • Name scopes, name hiding (shadowing), the global keyword
  • Except, except:-except; except:-else:, except (e1,e2)
  • The hierarchy of exceptions
  • Raise, raise ex, assert
  • Event classes, except E as e, arg property
  • Self-defined exceptions, defining and using
  • Instance vs class variables: declaring, initializing
  • __dict__ property (objects vs classes)
  • Private components (instance vs classes)
  • Name mangling
  • Methods: declaring, using, self parameter
  • Instrospection: hasattr() (objects vs classes), __name__, __module__, __bases__ properties
  • Inheritance: single, multiple, isinstance(), overriding, not is and is operators
  • Inheritance: single, multiple, isinstance(), overriding, not is and is operators
  • Constructors: declaring and invoking
  • Polymorphism
  • __name__, __module__, __bases__ properties, __str__() method
  • Multiple inheritance, diamonds
  • Defining your own classes, superclasses, subclasses, inheritance, searching for missing class components, creating objects
  • Class attributes: class variables and instance variables, defining, adding and removing attributes, explicit constructor invocation
  • Class methods: defining and using, the self parameter meaning and usage
  • Inheritance and overriding, finding class/object components
  • Single inheritance vs. multiple inheritances
  • Name mangling
  • Invoking methods, passing and using the self argument/parameter
  • The __init__ method
  • The role of the __str__ method
  • Introspection: __dict____name____module____bases__ properties, examining class/object structure
  • Writing and using constructors
  • Hasattr(), type(), issubclass(), isinstance(), super() functions
  • Using predefined exceptions and defining your own ones
  • The try-except-else-finally block, the raise statement, the except-as variant
  • Exceptions hierarchy, assigning more than one exception to one except branch
  • Adding your own exceptions to an existing hierarchy
  • Assertions
  • The anatomy of an exception object
  • Input/output basics: opening files with the open() function, stream objects, binary vs. text files, newline character translation, reading and writing files, bytearray objects
  • Read(), readinto(), readline(), write(), close() methods

Objectives covered by the block (6 exam items)

  • Operators: unary and binary, priorities and binding
  • Bitwise operators: ~ & ^ | << >>
  • Boolean operators: not and or
  • Boolean expressions
  • Relational operators ( == != > >= < <= ), building complex Boolean expressions
  • Accuracy of floating-point numbers
  • Basic input and output operations using the input(), print(), int(), float(), str(), len() functions
  • Formatting print() output with end= and sep= arguments
  • Typecasting
  • Basic calculations
  • Simple strings: constructing, assigning, indexing, immutability
  • Simple lists: constructing vectors, indexing and slicing, the len() function
  • Lists in detail: indexing, slicing, basic methods (append(), insert(), index()) and functions (len(), sorted(), etc.), del instruction, iterating lists with the for loop, initializing, in and not in operators, list comprehension, copying and cloning
  • Lists in lists: matrices and cubes
  • Tuples: indexing, slicing, building, immutability
  • Tuples vs. lists: similarities and differences, lists inside tuples and tuples inside lists
  • Dictionaries: building, indexing, adding and removing keys, iterating through dictionaries as well as their keys and values, checking key existence, keys(), items() and values() methods
  • Strings in detail: escaping using the \ character, quotes and apostrophes inside strings, multi-line strings, and basic string functions
  • Import variants; advanced qualifying for nested modules
  • Dir(); sys.path variable
  • Math: ceil(), floor(), trunc(), factorial(), hypot(), sqrt(); random: random(), seed(), choice(), sample()
  • Platform: platform(), machine(), processor(), system(), version(), python_implementation(), python_version_tuple()
  • Idea, __pycache__, __name__, public variables, __init__.py
  • Searching for modules/packages; nested packages vs directory tree
  • ASCII, UNICODE, UTF-8, codepoints, escape sequences
  • Ord(), chr(), literals
  • Indexing, slicing, immutability
  • Iterating through,
  • Concatenating, multiplying, comparing (against strings and numbers)
  • In, not in
  • .isxxx(), .join(), .split()
  • .sort(), sorted(), .index(), .find(), .rfind()
  • List comprehension: if operator, using list comprehensions
  • Lambdas: defining and using lambdas, self-defined functions taking lambda as arguments; map(), filter();
  • Closures: meaning, defining, and using closures
  • I/O Operations: I/O modes, predefined streams, handles; text/binary modes
    • open(), errno and its values; close()
    • .read(), .write(), .readline(); readlines() (along with bytearray())

Program Dates

21 Jul
  • 12:00 PM
  • Sun
  • Classroom
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28 Jul
  • 02:00 PM
  • Sun
  • Classroom
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Expert Instructors & Teaching Methods



We, at Learners Point, take immense pride in our teaching methods and instructors. Our instructors are some of the best experts in their fields and employ a practical approach to learning. Many of them are globally recognised and have a diverse set of experience in their field of expertise. You are always sure to have the best in the industry as your teachers who are ready to guide you at every step and make the experience informative yet enjoyable.  Apart from the focus on learning your chosen course, our instructors also encourage students to develop communication skills and interpersonal skills necessary to excel in the practical world.

Our cutting edge teaching methods make every program an immersive and productive experience for the learners. Our learning methods are research-driven and are continuously updated to stay relevant to present times as well as the future. You will enjoy practical applications of everything learned through theory and regular mock examinations to help monitor your progress. Our courses are led by an instructor in a classroom setup and we do offer online high-quality sessions as well for individuals. We also monitor the training sessions with a progress tracker to maintain high standards of instruction & ethics.

Our Trainers

Learners Point Certificate

Earn a Course Completion Certificate, an official Learners Point credential that confirms that you have successfully completed a course with us.

KHDA Certificate

Earn a KHDA attested Course Certificate. The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) is the educational quality assurance and regulatory authority of the Government of Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Why Count on Learners Point?

Being one of the leading providers of the Python Developer Certification, at Learners Point we help professionals master the necessary skill sets and experience to complete this Data Science Foundation course.

Following are the USPs our Python Developer Training offers you:

  • We look at real-world scenarios organisations face and formulate our Python structure as per practical requirements
  • Apart from theoretical knowledge, we also focus on practical case studies to give learners a reality check and insight into what exactly will be asked of them in a demanding role
  • Our bespoke training also equips learners with hands-on experience by offering assignments related to the actual work environment
  • Apart from organising group sessions, we also offer one-to-one sessions to enhance the quality of our training program
  • We also take a discrete approach to career guidance so that one can be successfully placed as a professional

Learners Experience

"The Python Course exceeded my expectations. The instructors' passion for teaching and depth of knowledge made the learning experience truly enjoyable.”

Evril Evans

Data Scientist

"Completing the Python Course was a turning point in my career. Not only did I gain a deep understanding of Python fundamentals, but I also learned valuable insights from industry experts.”

Waseem Baid

Machine Learning Engineer

"I can't thank the instructors enough for their guidance throughout the Python Course. They made complex concepts simple to understand, and the practical sessions solidified my understanding.”

Rubai Seth

Software Engineer

"The Python Developer Training was amazing for me. I entered with minimal programming experience but left feeling confident and skilled in Python fundamentals. The hands-on sessions were simply outstanding.”

Azam Mann

Python Developer

"Thanks to the Python Course, I landed my dream job as a Data Analyst. The course content was comprehensive, and the instructors' expertise truly shone through. I now feel confident to tackle real-world challenges in Python programming.”

Hamida Bashir

Data Analyst

Our Graduates

Our graduates are from big companies, small, companies, they are founders, career changers and life long learners. Join us and meet your tribe!

FAQs on PCAP™ - Python Developer Certification Training

Professionals after completion of the PCAP™ - Python Developer Certification Training will learn these: 1)Install Python 2)Master Python Fundamentals 3)Data Structures 4)Conditional Statement

No, the Python Developer Certification Training is not particularly applicable to IT professionals. Any individual who is willing to learn about Python and has basic programming knowledge can enrol for this course.

The job roles after completing the Python Developer Certification Training are as follows: 1)Python Developer 2)Full Stack Developer 3)Data Analyst 4)Machine Learning Engineer 5)Data Engineer

Yes, both online and offline training are available for the Python Developer Certification Training.

Learners Point Academy is a pioneer institution for the PCAP™ - Python Developer Certification Training for these reasons: 1)Certified Instructors 2)Affordable Pricing 3)Customised Training Programs 4)Flexible Dates 5) Accredited Training

Some of the Python Coding challenges for beginners are listed below: 1) Converting Radians into Degrees 2) Sort a List 3) Convert Decimal Numbers into Binary 4) Count Vowels in a String etc.

The time it takes to learn Python Programming varies depending on factors such as prior programming experience, learning pace, and the depth of understanding desired and can take a few weeks to a couple of months. For beginners, they must go through some of the steps given below: 1) Code Everyday 2) Start with the Fundamentals 3) Focus on Logic over Syntax among other steps

Yes. Our Python language tutorial is highly interactive and engaging in nature. It includes group discussions, doubt-clearing sessions, case study solving and more.

Although a beginner can easily learn Python language by themself, there can be moments of frustration for beginners as they have never written a line of Python code before. Hence, expert guidance is recommended while starting their learning journey in Python. 

Yes. A Python certification is globally recognised.

Python for beginners can be applied to various real-world projects, such as building simple web applications and automating repetitive tasks with scripts.

The number of skills professionals will learn after completing the PCAP™ - Python Developer Certification Training are as follows: 1)Understand interpreters and Python Script 2)Implement String Operations 3)Implement Loop and Control Structures in R 4)Use Regular Expression and Match Pattern

The course content covered in the PCAP™ - Python Developer Certification Trainingis as follows: 1)Module 1: Basic Concepts 2)Module 2: Data Types, Evaluations, and Basic I/O Operations; 3)Module 3: Control Flow – Loops and Conditional Blocks 4)Module 4: Data Collections – Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries 5)Module 5: Functions 6)Module 6: Modules and Packages (12%) 7)Module 7: Exceptions 8)Module 8: Strings 9)Module 9: Object-Oriented Programming (34%) 10)Module 10: Miscellaneous (List Comprehensions, Lambdas, Closures, and I/O Operations) 11)Module 11: Classes, Objects, and Exceptions

The industries where professionals are high demand after completion of the PCAP™ - Python Developer Certification Training are as follows: 1)Web Development 2)Finance and Trading 3)Security and Penetration Testing 4)Basic Game Development 5)Computer Graphics

Yes, a course completion certificate is provided after completion of the PCAP™ - Python Developer Certification Training by Learners Point Academy.

At Learners Point Academy, if a participant doesn’t wish to proceed with the PCAP™ - Python Developer Certification Training after registration for any reason, he or she is eligible for a 100% refund. However, the refund will be issued only if we are notified in writing within 2 days from the registration date. The refund will be processed within 4 weeks from the day of exit.

Here are some of the key advantages of learning Python Programming: 1) Noble Earning Potential 2) Cutting-edge Technology 3) Compatibility and many more

In the Python language tutorial, candidates will learn the following: 1) Understanding of basic Python programming concepts 2) Learn to develop real-world Python applications 3) Application of Python programming techniques in Data Science, Machine Learning and AI

Yes. It is easy to learn Python language. Python is one of the easiest programming languages for beginners. Even individuals without prior experience in Python coding can acquire proficiency with proper training and guidance. 

Yes. This course is beneficial for candidates to learn Python language. Candidates can learn about the fundamental concepts, master data types and operators, control flow and understand the functions.

There are numerous resources available for learning Python for beginners. This includes online tutorials, books, video courses and interactive coding platforms. These resources often cover basic concepts and gradually progress to more advanced topics.


One can obtain the Python Language certification by passing an exam that measures the depth and scope of their Python knowledge.

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